3 Secrets of an Effective Speaker for a Team Building Event

With globalisation, more people are tapping online platforms to communicate, work, and order goods, to name a few. Companies that are mainly running online are at a high demand. With additional expenses in transportation and expenditures in clothes and food, some employees prefer saving these costs by being able to work anywhere and anytime.

Teams communicate through reliable apps and ensure a smooth flow of operations. Since the company is online, most services need to be run like a well-oiled machine, with its members having a pleasant rapport. As with online operations, some organisers are offering virtual team building events, facilitated by a professional speaker or facilitator. Thought-provoking, informative, and relevant – these are the key qualities of an effective speaker.


The speaker must provide informative and practical details. In being practical, the concept provided must be doable and simple. Remember that providing too much information will only bore and confuse the participant. Every team building has a goal, and this goal may have a better impact when this is mentioned periodically. Also, the details should be unique; this does not necessarily mean that the idea should be altogether new, but such an idea may appear more compelling if presented in an exciting light.


As in most team-building events, the speaker must give a thought-provoking idea. To be able to have better rapport as well as deliver work outputs, the speaker must inspire. With an empowering message, the participants are energised with better vigour. Besides, these workers are bound to have a better understanding of how their team may work better. Through more effective communication, participants are inclined to not only provide but to ask for helpful information from other team members.


As a professional, the speaker must be imbued with mounds of talent and tons of experience. In some, this admirable talent may come easy. However, having the gift of gab may not be enough. Your content must also be organised. In some instances, most companies prefer experienced speakers who are experts in their field. The participants may see a facilitator who is well-versed on the subject because of experience as someone worth listening to.

More importantly, the speaker must take heed of the time allocated for the event. Being aware of the time limitation is a nod to recognising the value of the participants’ time. Such participants may have other plans after the event. When the program of the team-building event is specified as lasting at most for an hour, the topics and activities must be budgeted accordingly. While it’s true that one activity may be too much fun, an expert facilitator moves the program along quite fluidly.


As mentioned, the topic need not be unique. What matters are the fresh ideas supporting the subject. Capturing the attention of the participants is a quality that the speaker should have. Only effective speakers are adept at this sought-after skill. Without this skill, the entire virtual team building event may appear dull, and the message of such an event may not be conveyed effectively.

Not just one who delivers a message, a facilitator should have compelling ideas or one that makes the participants actively listen. At most times, work is stressful. The team members should see your team building event as stress-free and fun. They should look forward to it. Further, the values learned at such an event must be designed to last.

Author Bio:

Julian Carter is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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