Kava and Kratom: What Is the Difference Between Kava and Kratom?

Are you wondering what the difference is between kava and kratom? There are some differences and similarities between these substances that you will want to know before trying them.

To learn more about these substances and the benefits they may offer you, keep reading this helpful guide.

What is Kratom? 

Kratom is an herb found in Thailand. This herb contains a compound called mitragynine that is often used in cold medicines. This compound is also the remain psychoactive ingredient that affects opioid receptors, in a way that is similar to morphine.

For this reason, it is often thought to treat pain relief. Others may use the substance to help increase energy levels or increase attention and focus.

Kava contains kavalactones which influence the GABA receptors in the brain, stimulating dopamine and norepinephrine receptors. Because the substance influences serotonin and blocks pain receptors, it can become addictive. Many feel that light use of the substance may be safe, while abuse of the substance could lead to addiction and dangerous consequences.

Some may find that kratom helps with anxiety. Others may use this substance for sexual stimulation and immune support. This substance can be purchased also by online kratom vendor.

What is Kava?

This substance is a plant that is also found in Thailand, where it is traditionally used in cultural ceremonies. This shrub is also referred to as kava kava. Most typically, a paste is made from the plant’s roots and then mixed with water or coconut milk.

Kava interacts with the limbic system. This is a part of the brain that controls motivations and emotions. For this reason, some may feel that the substance reduces social inhibitions, like other nootropics.

It is thought that juice from the plant may help with stress, anxiety, and muscle tension. Some may also use it as a sleep aid. Many say the substance gives them a relaxed, euphoric feeling similar to that of alcohol.

While there may be some health benefits, the substance also has some dangerous effects. Excessive use of the substance could lead to severe liver damage.

Differences Between Kava and Kratom 

Kava and kratom are often thought to be very similar, but as you can see, these substances have may differences. While both may have calming effects, these substances have very different effects on the brain.

Kratom is not an opiate, but it affects the brain similarly. This makes kratom easily addictive, while kava is not. Yet, abuse of either substance could have serious consequences on one’s health.

Mixing these two substances could also be dangerous. When used in high doses, the side effects of kratom may worsen when combined with kava.

While these substances have similar preparations and effects, they have different influences on the body. When using these substances, make sure you do so with moderation and responsibility. Keep in mind that different substances may be helpful for certain purposes and individuals.

Keep this guide in mind to find the best product for you.

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