How Can Online Assessment Platforms Help Manage Processes in Higher Education

The internet has transformed how you do even the most mundane tasks like grocery shopping. And the benefits have been immense. Education is also getting disrupted by this revolutionary technology; online learning is quickly becoming the norm. It also serves as the main gateway to information.

Tuition is one aspect of education, and the other, examination. Skill assessment has also gone online now at every educational level. It is particularly pertinent for higher education, as it streamlines and simplifies many processes that are otherwise tedious and complex. Universities and institutes for excellence today rely on online assessment to evaluate their students’ knowledge.

The online assessment platform like is at the centre of this transformation. It is the software that makes every online assessment-related task possible via many routes and features. It seamlessly integrates with other software the institution uses to create a well-rounded package for a thorough assessment of students’ capabilities.

The various higher education processes that online assessment platforms help tackle are:

Questionnaire Creation

Creating a questionnaire for an examination is one of its most tedious aspects. Everything about the syllabus that’s pertinent to the exam must be a consideration. The length of the entire questionnaire in terms of time required to complete it needs consideration too. The pattern, question type, marks to be allocated for each question type/section, and more get determined at this stage.

Online assessment software allows you to create many different types of questions, blueprints, and item banks. The question types can include audio and visual ones too. These provisions help generate questions that are true to the real world.

Seamless And Uninterrupted Delivery

OA platforms can deliver anything directly to the student, and anyone else concerned, by using the internet. They only need to have a connection to the server. Tests get conducted in real-time without interruptions and at the location of the test taker.

This ease of connectivity ensures that every student gets equal opportunity; they don’t have to bear with the troubles of commuting to a central examination centre. The best part it works even when the connection is cut-off due to preloading. The results will be submitted once it’s back online.

Quick Marking

Carefully scrutinizing and marking every answer sheet used to be a nightmare for teachers and professors. Not anymore. The OA program can automatically check for the answers’ correctness and deliver the results based on predetermined marking data.

Only subjective, wordy responses like essays need manual review. And this process is also simplified with the platform’s assistance features like easy grammar and spelling mistake detection tools, mathematical tools, analysis features, etc. Combined, these can give results within a span of 24 hrs.

Analysis and Report Generation

The software analyses the results of every student and ranks them accordingly. The analysis gets converted into an exam result report, which is presentable to the student and anyone else concerned.

A student’s long-term performance is tracked with ease, and the areas to improve are figured out. The student can access this information from anywhere and anytime using their registration ID/account.

Education is being transformed by technology rapidly. Online assessment platforms are a critical part of that transformation that can change how the end-to-end test cycle processes occur.

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