Kitesurfing is the best kind of recreation

Kitesurfing is a popular sport based on power and movement of kite, controlled by sportsman on the board. Kitesurfing becomes more and more popular nowadays. Due to wide development of kite constructions and systems of handling sport became more safe and secure.

Kitesurfing goes close with a lot of difficulties and dangers for sportsman as well as for people around. They might be avoided with help of professional and experienced instructor. Kitesurfing is considered to be extreme sport so athlete always has a risk of injures even in case of following safe rules and regulations (for example in case of sudden wind blow). That is why self-education is highly not recommended in Kitesurfing. Education need to be done ins special Kite-schools.

Initial kitesurfing courses should include both theoretical and practical part, including:

  • indication of weather conditions (direction, wind strength, etc.);
  • layout and assembly of equipment;
  • study of the components of the kite, security systems and the correct ways to activate them;
  • acquaintance with the theory of the “wind window” and the basics of kite control;
  • training kite control skills;
  • launching and landing of a training kite with the help of an assistant;

It is very important to learn all the security aspects to avoid incidents and injuries.

During the development of this sport, several riding styles have been formed:

  • Freeride – free skiing in the water area or travel.
  • Freestyle – the performance of various acrobatic elements on a kite.
  • Wave – riding on the waves, when the kite is used to find waves, as well as to deliver to wave places.
  • Wake – the performance of various acrobatic elements on the kite with the bar unfastened from the trapezoid (as in WakeBoarding).
  • Race – race on a distance.

Equipment manufacturers produce both universal kites suitable for beginners and beginners of any riding style, as well as separate lines of kite models giving professional kiteboarders one or another advantage for each riding style (for example, fast turn, stability with sagging lines, long hovering, etc.) etc.)

Kite School Egypt is an international kiteboarding school in Hurghada, Egypt. School provides safe and effective coursed of kiteboarding for newbies as well as for advanced sportsman. Egypt is chosen due to its weather and climate conditions.

Kiteboarding might be learned by any person. Join our school to learn Kiteboarding and have a great time!

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