Is There Always A Claim When There Is Blame For Working Mums?

You will see the adverts on the TV regularly stating things like – “When there is blame, there is a claim”, but is this always the case and how successful are these claims? Generally speaking, the statement is true and if someone has been hurt or negatively impacted financially due to the faults of someone else, this should be able to be refunded (plus potential compensation).  Do not be put off with the thought of going to court for these sorts of issues as you will find that in the majority of times, the people defending the claim will settle out with the court process in order to protect from potentially a higher fine, court fees and reputational damage as a consequence.

Accident in the Workplace

Working mums in Florida will have a lot on their mind with not only spending a lot of time in the workplace but also then going home to care for the child or children.  The last thing they need on their mind is if they have an accident at work and then potentially not be able to work for a period as a result.  This will potentially impact the care they give to their child or children.

Generally speaking, if there is an accident in the workplace, then the employer is liable to pay compensation as a result. This is not only due to the injury but potential losses the person has incurred as a result. Using Workers Compensation Attorney Orlando services like those offered at will be a great support in this field to support any consultation needed.  They will do all the preparation and legal work surrounding this and will take the client to court if needed to put forward your case.

Unfair Dismissal

If someone has been dismissed from a company unreasonably then there should be the basis for a claim.  There are laws designed to protect employees from being dismissed without good reason and if employers abuse this then they should be held to account.  These sorts of dismissals could be around prejudice, racism, sexism and ageism which alone will bring a far greater compensation amount as the courts will not look favourably at this.  The compensation amounts connected to this could be quite significant therefore it is important that anyone who feels they have been subjected to this come forward and be heard – especially a working mum.

Car Accident

If someone has incurred a personal injury as a result of a car accident, then this could result in distress and time off work.  In all these cases there is a claim to be answered.  If the accident were not your fault and someone else’s then you will be due to receive compensation and refunding of any money lost as a result (this could be income from your employer).


With working mums generally finding life a little bit difficult to balance work and care of the family, it is important that if they have been unfairly treated or had an injury, they look to hold the accountable people to account.  In most cases, when there is blame, there certainly is the potential for a claim.

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