Anything To Worry If Your Kid Swallows Toothpaste Daily While Toothbrushing?

When your child is in the learning phase, he may develop some odd habits that we often ignore. For example, helping little children learn tooth brushing is a challenging task—especially when they like the taste of toothpaste and mistake it for food.

Let’s listen to an expert, a qualified children’s dentist in Toorak about how to teach your child healthy dental habits at such a young age.   

If your child has developed the unhealthy habit of swallowing toothpaste while brushing, it may be a stressful situation for you. It may give rise to many questions like: Is it harmful to my child? Shall I rush to the emergency room of the hospital? Fortunately, if your little one swallows a small amount of toothpaste, it should not be a matter of stress or worry for you.

However, you need to know the health risk involved if he ingests a large amount of toothpaste daily. So, let’s discuss what may happen if your toddler swallows toothpaste and how you can prevent it.

The risk involved with ingesting a large amount of toothbrush

The consequences of eating a large amount of toothpaste on your child’s health depend on the toothpaste type and amount he swallows. Several studies show that if a kid eats non-fluoride toothpaste, he may not need emergency attention. The non-fluoride toothpaste is usually non-toxic, and it’s rare that it can have a harmful effect.

However, if a child swallows toothpaste containing fluoride, you will have to check the amount. Fluoride acts as a key ingredient that protects your teeth against cavities. Therefore, the amount consumed is a deciding factor whether your child needs immediate medical treatment or not.

Luckily, if a child swallows a pea size amount or the recommended amount, you will not have to worry. Therefore, your active supervision is required while your kid is brushing his teeth. The recommended size is not enough to produce a harmful effect on a child’s health. However, if he eats a larger amount of fluoride toothpaste, he may experience stomach upset as a milder symptom. In case of severe toxic effects, he can have diarrhoea, nausea, or vomiting.

How can you prevent your kid from swallowing toothpaste?

You must help your children understand the essence and the use of toothpaste. Some tips that can stop your younger ones from eating toothpaste are:

  • You must monitor them while they are using toothpaste for brushing.
  • You can change the flavour of the toothpaste to discourage your child from eating it.
  • You should ensure that they are spitting while brushing and rinsing their mouth properly.
  • You must develop a habit of brushing your teeth with your little ones.
  • Develop patience and remind your kid that toothpaste is not a food item.

Now, you have learned some practical tips that can stop children from swallowing toothpaste. You should put them into practice without delay. It will help in forming healthy dental habits. Your child is learning to develop life habits, so there is a strong possibility that he can mistake a tube of colourful and flavourful toothpaste for an edible item.

When you monitor your child while brushing, you can know what he is doing with the toothpaste, how much he has swallowed and helped him develop healthy oral habits.


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