Looking Out For Your Mental Wellbeing During Social Distancing

This global pandemic has brought humans into a situation we have never faced before. Social lives are disrupted but because of that our mental and physical health is in danger. You might not feel like it in the beginning, but our mental well-being is what we should be careful with. Remaining in your home for too long can affect your mental health and for some it might even cause mental health issues. Looking out for physical health and especially mental wellbeing, not just ours but the ones around us and the ones we love is very important. Let’s have a look at how you can do that.


Isolation does not mean you cannot talk with anyone. Loneliness can cause a big mental toll and several mental health issues. The best way to avoid that is connecting with friends and family. This is the time to take care of others and yourself. For instance, if you know that someone near your apartment or home lives alone, connect with them. There are several means to do that face to face chat, connecting on social media or video calling platforms. Know and connect with yourself, your family and friends because we need each other the most during this time.

Being active

It’s all good to get ready with your workout tank tops, shorts and working out at your home. In fact, working out is the best thing you can do to keep yourself physically and mentally healthy. But once a while, step outside. Get the workout hoodie and pants on to go for a run, or cycling, a walk, or anything else you like. If not just go, sit in a park or something.

Because it is a social distancing time, so just don’t work out or run in groups. Stay away from crowded places. Go for a walk, run, or cycling early morning when most of the people would be at home. Do not forget to maintain a healthy diet, proper sleep and rest periods because they are equally important.

Practice mindfulness

Keeping yourself and your thoughts positive will help a lot to keep your head in the right place. Help anyone else you can do practice the same. Avoid panic situations, news, social media, brawls and fake news, do not forward any information which you do not know is authentic, but beware of the situation around you.

Do not worry about the future and especially do not stress over it. Do not stock food and other important items anymore than you need. Practicing mindfulness might be hard at first but doing so will keep you from drowning. Working out, yoga, meditation, helping others, connecting with family and friends, enjoying life, etc. will help you keep calm.


Learning something new, something you wanted to learn, and rediscovering old hobbies are some things that will help you get through the situation. For instance, if you have a motorcycle or car learn how to repair it yourself. Try cooking, or learning an instrument, or singing and dancing. Set challenges and timelines to achieve those goals and enjoy yourself. Improve skills that might help you after this pandemic is over. Keeping yourself busy in positive things is the way to go. Teach your family new things and learn some from them. Help them with school work.

Helping others

This is the best time you can help someone in need. A little help from you can save someone’s life or make their day. Join some local communities, look around you, see what people need, spread happiness and remember to look out for your loved ones too. There will always be someone near you who can appreciate a helping hand.

It can either be some food, help with something, or even helping others like a team. Support local businesses and people who are affected by it.  Concerned about self-isolation and don’t want to go out? No worries you can provide virtual support. Even a letter or thanks or keep hanging we are here for you, makes a difference.


While the government is doing what it can to help the ones in need, hopefully. But we as individuals also need to take initiative. For instance, buying food or other needed items in bulk and stocking them is just wrong. To top that, some are selling the needed items for a high price. Take wellbeing as collective and help others by starting with yourself.

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