English Teaching Methods in a Nutshell: Online vs Classroom

Written by Mac Kira

There has always been a debate between classroom instruction and online instruction. English is the language of global business, and the demand for improving how we speak this language will only continue to grow. There are companies like English Wise, an Australian company, who rely on evidence-based methods of classroom instruction. Additionally, numerous companies are popping up, catering to learners who want to have more time-flexibility in their English lessons.

Classroom instruction

Many consider classroom English lessons to be a dinosaur, a throwback to a time when technology was too limited to give us other options. People had no choice but to go to school every day and pore through volumes of books. What classroom learning gives people is the kind of social interaction that online classes never could. It gives people a freer time to interact with their instructor and classmates. Teachers should not only provide ideas; fellow learners should also provide it. This is the kind of interaction that stimulates minds to grow and become more productive. This advantage alone makes people think that classroom instruction is worth it. Then there are laboratories, like what English Wise offers, that can be used to maximize learning potential. Even when people think this method is outdated, it can provide facets in learning that no other methods can offer.

Most people need to travel to get to school. Despite the rising costs of commute and increasing traffic, people still prefer to spend more time in a classroom setting; this is mostly helpful to students who have a hard time concentrating on their own. As a result, learning through a classroom will help in better learning. The added interaction with other students can also aid in addressing their clarifications, which could lead to more learning.

Online instruction

Online English lessons, as predicted by the global business community, will expand exponentially in the next 5 to 10 years. Amid situations where you cannot go out in cases of an outbreak, education is addressed through online classes. There are many advantages to taking lessons online. People don’t have to travel or commute to have classes. It saves a lot of time and money. Also, the class times are usually based on the student’s schedule, and this gives people more flexibility to book classes as their schedule permits them. Time is the most valuable in the world nowadays. Further, it gives people the chance to have a more comfortable learning environment. What is more comfortable than one’s home?

In addition, despite limited interaction, some students find online class as the ideal setup. Such classes can also be a more productive way to spend time in cases of emergencies or force majeure.

Both of these methods have their benefits. Right now, people are limited by the technology available to them. Not everyone can have a computer or mobile phone for their use. Most countries are still catching up to even have the minimum internet speed of most developed countries. For this reason, the classroom setting is still widely practiced. It has a proven and thriving track record of promoting learning, instilling discipline, and encouraging interaction with others. Perhaps in the future, whatever the preference, people can finally have the kind of classes that they need.

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