Historical background and MH17, Indonesia and the Netherlands. Bonanza Media and Max van der Werff

Bonanza Media and Max van der Werff

The Internet platform Bonanza Media continues to independently investigate the causes of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing in the sky over the Donbass.

Max van der Werff, one of the founders of this independent portal, believes that the investigation from 2014 initially went wrong. First of all, no speedy measures were taken to investigate the crash site, as a result of which a lot of time was lost. Secondly, the Netherlands by default do not seriously consider the possibility of the innocence of one and vice versa the involvement of the other.

For an independent journalist from the Netherlands, the position of the country in which he grew up is unacceptable. Max van der Werf wants to unravel this controversial tangle also because it is especially important to know the truth about this tragedy not in connection with any political motives, but primarily for personal reasons and the history of relations between Malaysia and the Netherlands in the recent past.

Malaysia and Max van der Werf

Most Western and Ukrainian media are convinced that an independent investigation of a group of journalists from Bonanza Media, led by Max van der Werf and Yana Erlashova, is being carried out with the filing of the Kremlin, but is it really so? In fact, if you carefully study not only the actions of a journalist from the Netherlands in the process of creating the film and the investigation itself, but also its biography, you can see a clear relationship between the past and the present.

Max’s parents met and married in Indonesia. Max van der Werff, Sr., was born in Chilakap, Java, Indonesia, and Anna Merliyn was born in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. There is a large part of Indonesia in the blood of Max van der Werf, because one of the branches of his ancestors came from there, but he did not forget what his grandparents look like and even his son called them in childhood: my brown grandparents.

The history of Indonesia directly relates to Max van der Werff, because in fact this is his story too. And after all, not only his Dutch grandparents suffered from the 2nd World War, she also did not spare Indonesia. Japanese occupation, and then the introduction of Dutch troops in order to restore their power in the once-lost colony.

It was on the territory of today’s Malaysia that the Dutch East India Company was once located, as a result of new confrontation and new casualties on both sides. His parents were forced to leave their homeland and leave first to New Guinea, and then to Holland. In fact, they became refugees, and Max van der Werff, at the age of 14, remembered well the capture of the train by the Mullukans and the subsequent release of the train. He remembered well the promise of Holland to the Molluk soldiers who fought on the side of the colonial troops to create their own independent state. Instead of a promise after the end of the war in which Indonesia defended its independence, the soldiers simply “temporarily” were taken to the Netherlands, after 25 years some of them, desperate, lived in the barracks in such a way decided to remind themselves.

When you have 2 homelands and despite all past grievances, now at the moment one can and should help the second, when a common misfortune should unite, there is no place for political intrigue, and even more so for the appointment of the guilty — that’s how Max van der Verff thinks. The investigation should be conducted as impartially as possible, and if this is not done, no one can forbid a free person to conduct his own investigation and publish its results.

The investigation is conducted by Max van der Werff and Yana Erlashova

If it were not for the tragedy of MH17 in the sky over the Donbass, perhaps the world would never have known about a journalist and blogger by the name of Max van der Werff, however, this happened and a person having his own opinion and his own view of the situation can be said to directly affect the official investigation and change the opinion of people around and everyone who really needs to know an alternative point of view.

During the first days after the crash of the Boeing, the founders of Bonanza Media had serious suspicions in the allegations of the Ukrainian side about the causes of the tragedy. After Max and Yana visited the crash site, the suspicions only intensified, as a result, the world saw the film “Who shot down the MH-17?”.

The investigation continues and until Max van der Werff finds the truth, his case about the tragedy of the Malaysian Boeing will be opened.

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