How to Get Exactly What You Want Out of Customer Service

The world of customer service is an odd one. If you have issue with a product or service you have paid for, customer service may be your best bet at getting that problem resolved.

That being said, waiting on hold, speaking to someone who may be hard to understand, and not getting your issue resolved at the end of it can be a very annoying and time-wasting experience.

Luckily, whether or not speaking with a customer service agent is a huge waste of time or a huge help is entirely up to you!

So, what are some of the best tips to get exactly what you want out of customer service? Let us at offer you a helping hand.

Treat your customer service representative like a friend

Whether it’s because of past experiences or because people are often already fed up by the time the go the customer service rout, callers tend to be quite rude to customer service representatives.

Before you press the call button, it is important to take a deep breath and remind yourself that it is not the person’s fault who you are about to talk to that you are calling. They are simply doing their job.

When they answer your call, be cheerful. Ask them how their day is going. And then slowly and calmly go over what issue you are having. Once that is behind you, ask them if they can help you.

If you’ve been kind, chances are good they’ll be far more interested in doing so.

Approach it with a team “we” mentality, not a “me vs. you” mentality

It may feel like you are actively fighting against a company to get what you want out of them, but that is not the way to approach a customer service call. Provide the issue that you are dealing with and inquire about who you and your customer service representative can solve it.

This will make them feel more involved and make them want to help the “team.”

Ask them for their opinion

Another way to motivate your customer service representative to help you is to get them involved on a personal level by asking their opinion.

Ask them, “What would you do in this situation.” Even if you don’t really think the answer will help you.

This will also encourage them to perhaps unload some insider info in terms of how to best solve the issue you are facing.

Call at the very best time

Strategy is the name of the game, and timing is everything. Even though it might be hard to fit into your busy schedule, studies have shown that the best time to call a customer service number is between 9am and 11am.

If you think about, it makes a ton of sense. During those times, you are dealing with employees who have just started their days and have not yet been weighed down by their daily workload.

Calling during those times will certainly help you get the result you desire, as will the rest of the tips on this list!

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