Learn 5 Simple, Quick, and Easy Methods To Thicken Chili

Eating mouth-watering dishes is easy but cooking delicious dishes is tough. You need to prepare the perfect recipe that will help you to thicken chili in a proper manner. For that, you need to know the ways how to thicken chili quickly. There are certain simple ways that you need to follow to cook chili in a proper manner.

There are certain ingredients and agents that you need to add for thickening the chili in a better way. You can add a thickening agent like cornstarch to cook the chili faster with proper taste and flavor.

Different Ways To Thicken Chili Quickly

There are multiple ways to thicken chili quickly in a small span of time. Therefore, let’s explore the ways that you can employ to cook the perfect thicken chili in a better manner.

1. Thickening With The Help Of Flour Cornstarch & Arrowroot  

One of the easiest ways to thicken the chili is adding the Cornstarch into it. It will help you to soak the liquid content in the chili and makes it thicken in a short span of time. You need to make the slurry with water before you proceed to thicken the chili. In the ratio of 1:2 you need to mix the flour with water. After that, you need to mix with equal amounts of water. You need to mix the slurry with the chili. After that, you need to boil and simmer the chili in a better manner.

One thing you need to remember that the more you repeat the process the more glossy and attractive the chili will appear. The veggies will show up a glossy appearance.

2. Use The Cornmeal As A Thickener

The Cornmeal absorbs the extra liquid and it will help you to thicken the chili quickly. You need not to mix it with the water in the initial phase of its preparation. To thicken the chili in proper order you need to add a tablespoon of cornmeal. You need to add the chili simmer for thickening the chili properly. For 10 minutes you need to stir the powder so that all the excess liquid wipes out and the thickness of the chili remains well maintained.

The best part of the cornmeal is it increases the thickness of the chili by reducing the liquid content in it.

3. Mashing Beans Into Chili 

Mashed beans increase the thickness of the chili. Mashing and blending of the chili help you to absorb the extra liquid content of the chili. Hence, it makes the chili thickens in a proper way. The more you add mashed beans in the chili in the right proportion the better will be the quality of the chili. The reason is the starch present in the mashed beans increases the thickness of the chili by absorbing the extra water in it. It will help you to cook the chili in the best possible manner with all the required flavors in it.

4. Add Some Tomato Paste   

You can use the tomato paste to increase the thickness of the chili the reason is it adds an excellent tangy flavor to it. You need to add 60 oz Of tomato paste after you make the chili for 30minutes. Hence, if you are wondering how to thicken chili quickly then it is the best way that you can employ.

The flavor of your chili will not be altered as the flavor of the chili is tomato-based. The person who will eat the chili will experience a tangy flavor to it. Hence, you will enjoy the better flavor with quality taste. The thing you need to know here is to mix the tomato paste in the right proportion.

If you can mix the tomato paste in the right proportion then it will increase the flavor and the taste of the chili for a longer duration. Make sure that whatever ingredient you mix must have the property to absorb the liquid.

5. Add Some Cheese

Shredded Cheese and cheese sauces act as an emulsifier. It does not allow the liquid content of the chili to increase further. Hence, it soaks up the extra water from the chili to keep the taste of the chili intact.

The ingredients that you mix up with the chili must have the capacity to soak the extra water from it. Otherwise, the taste of the chili will be ruined and you will not get the flavor that you are expecting from it.


The more you add the proper proportion of the ingredients in the chili the better will be the quality of the chili that you can experience while eating. Now, from the above discussion, you have got an idea of how to thicken chili quickly. The only thing here that you must remember while cooking the chili is the ingredients that you are using must have the property to absorb the liquid in a proper manner. It will help you to maintain the quality of the chili in the right order. The more consciously you take note of this matter the better will be the quality of the chili. 

Author Bio:

Joseph Rojas is a freelance content writer and enthusiastic blogger. She is the co-founder of Bigjarnews. She contributes to many authority blogs such as toppreference.

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