5 common problems of Menopause & Top 5 Menopause Supplements

Have you started noticing menopause symptoms? Coping with these symptoms may be difficult, but picking the best menopause supplements will go a long way to improving the quality of your life. Read on to find out more.

What is Menopause? 

Menopause is a natural occurrence. It occurs twelve (12) months after a woman’s last period. It is common in women between the ages of 45 and 50, but it can happen before or after this age range. Irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, weight gain, and mood swings are a few of the many symptoms seen before menopause.

During menopause, it may seem like you won’t have to deal with the struggles of period cramps and pregnancy anymore. However, the unpleasant symptoms you might experience would give you a rethink. Luckily, there are a few things that can help, and getting the right menopause supplement is one that can make your life easier.

5 Common Problems Of Menopause

The common problems of menopause include:

  1. Hot flashes: This is a common menopause symptom. In hot flashes, you may feel the heat in the upper part of your body and notice red patches on your chest and neck. You can manage hot flashes by using certain supplements, drinking cold water, and dressing in light clothes.
  2. Mood swings: Mood swings usually are triggered by stress and tiredness and may still accompany your menopause symptoms, whether you experienced it with your monthly periods or not. To improve mood swings, get at least 8 hours of sleep, and avoid engaging in too many activities at once.
  3. Weight gain: During menopause, the body’s metabolism slows down, and this causes many women to gain weight quickly. To be in control of your weight, change your diet, exercise, and rest well.
  4. Sexual drive: A decrease in sex drive because of menopause can lead to vaginal dryness, decreased sensation, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Some supplements help to improve sex drive, and water-based lubricants for the vagina can also help.
  5. UTIs: As you age, the walls of the urethra and the vagina become weaker, and the body becomes prone to many Urinary tract infections (UTIs). This is usually followed by frequent unexpected surges of urine. To solve this, try Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscle and talk to your doctor about medications that help.

Can Natural Supplements Help? 

Natural supplements have been used to ease the symptoms of menopause for a very long time. Maca root helps to relieve hot flashes by suppressing the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Other natural herbs like black cohosh, soy, and red clover are also known to ease hot flashes and mood swings. Talk to your doctor before taking any supplements.

Top 5 Menopause Supplements

There are many things to consider before choosing the right menopause supplement as there is a wide range of supplements available for menopause in the market. It is important to check with your doctor and read up on any side effects that may occur. Here are our five best menopause supplements. 

#1 – Menoquil

Menoquil is an all-natural menopause supplement. It is manufactured by Pharmaxa Labs, a brand that manufactures top products from quality natural ingredients such as green tea leaf extract.

Menoquil helps to boost energy levels and alleviate stress. It also relieves common menopause symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, and night sweats. To get the best from Menoquil, take it about 15 minutes before your breakfast and an hour before you sleep. Menoquil has not been associated with any severe side effects, and it can be bought on their official website.

#2 – Amberen

Lunada Biomedical, the manufacturer of Amberen, gave rise to a supplement that contains essential nutrients. This supplement can help to relieve many menopause symptoms ranging from low sex drive, vaginal dryness, low energy level to hot flashes, stress, and anxiety. Amberen is a 60-capsule supplement, available in many online stores, and it is not associated with any side effects.

#3 – Estroven Complete

The Estroven Complete brand created its products in such a way that it suits every woman. Whatever menopause symptoms you may experience there is a product suited to you. It helps alleviate symptoms and make your life easier while you go through menopause.

Estroven is manufactured in capsule form, and it contains many active ingredients that give fast relief to menopause symptoms. It is safe, and it is sold at many online stores.

#4 – Balanced Femme

Balanced Femme is an herbal medication. It is manufactured in a liquid drop form, making it easy to take. It contains powerful ingredients that were used in ancient times to improve menopausal symptoms. It helps to improve the quality of life and increase energy levels.

#5 – Equelle

Equelle is one of the recently produced menopause supplements, and it is made with natural ingredients. It is known to reduce hot flashes, mood swings, and exhaustion. Equelle also helps to reduce joint stiffness in the shoulder and neck.

Do Menopause Supplements Have Side Effects?

When it comes to supplements, different people will have different reactions. Menopause supplements do not result in severe side effects, but some of these supplements may have interactions with other medications. Other times, they may not effectively treat certain symptoms if the user has allergies, and this may lead to more problems.

Some of these supplements may also pose health risks to people who survived serious disease conditions like breast cancer. It is advised that you consider the advantages, disadvantages, and price, and also consult your doctor before taking any supplements. They will be able to give you advice on what works best for you.

Advantages of Using Menopause Supplements

Many menopause supplements help to ease common menopausal symptoms. They have many advantages, and they include:

  • They help to enhance the quality of life in women undergoing menopause.
  • They help to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • They relieve joint and body pains.
  • They could reduce mood swing intensity.
  • They help to reduce weight gain caused by menopause.
  • They decrease night sweats and lessen hot flashes.
  • They improve vitality and reduce exhaustion.
  • They help improve sex drive and libido.
  • Menopause supplements do not cause any severe side effects.


Menopause is natural, but it can be very uncomfortable. And although hormone therapy is known to be a major way to ease this discomfort, supplements offer more safety. There are so many menopause supplement brands in the market today, we recommend you to read Menoquil reviews once before taking action on it as they are all positive and choose the best one. Also, it is best to consult your doctor and get as much information as possible. I am sure this review has answered some of your questions on menopause supplements.

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