Opinion of Rustam Gilfanov on the development of voice technologies

The results of a study conducted at the end of 2020, about 58% of Internet queries will be performed using voice. Also, the use of voice will be the main difference for the largest companies. Rustam Gilfanov, co-founder of an international IT company and an investor, spoke in detail about the development of voice technologies in the near future.

According to statistics conducted by Google, 57% of people who use voice typing when searching for local companies. This helps small companies a lot, especially different coffee shops and flower shops. “I believe that in the near future we will see how voice SEO marketing works. A significant number of text queries contain about 3 words, but 5 words are the average volume of voice search. Most major brands use voice search to communicate more effectively with customers. According to Just AI, many companies have already chosen bots based on artificial intelligence. This is quite a wise decision for doing business aimed at the customer.

Gilfanov says: “efficiency is the main reason people choose voice search. “Voice search helps them work much faster. This newly developed ability to multitask is creating new patterns of human behavior. As an example, many voice search users in America request a short announcement about events scheduled today.

Now we always type if we are looking for something on the Internet. The average number of words we utter per minute is 125-140. This is 3 times faster than our typing speed. “It’s no secret that one day voice input will completely dominate online search. Voice requests are much faster and easier to make,” says Rustam Gilfanov.

I believe that 2020 will be the year of a breakthrough in voice technology and a change in our digital experience.

An equally important part of promoting voice search is the development of artificial intelligence. Voice search and other novelties in the IT world that we use are based on our speech recognition. What will voice assistants be capable of in the near future? I think that real-time translations from different languages will soon be no problem. We will get ready-made solutions that are based on our wishes. Voices will become more human-like, and they will even learn to adapt to our mood.


Rustam Gilfanov is an IT company owner, IT businessman and international investor.

Rustam Gilfanov was born in 1983 in a village called Basim. his father worked as a military man and his mother as a teacher.

In 2006, Rustam Gilfanov launched an it outsourcing company in Kiev. Today, his company is a leader in software development for the gaming industry.

A couple of years ago, Gilfanov stopped holding a management position in his company to engage in international investments in projects in the field of financial technology, gambling and video streaming. He also believes that it is very important to develop their charitable projects in their native country.

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