The 4 Essential Videos Your Brand Needs to Make

It seems that which each passing day there is a new social media channel to create content for. Not only that, but it is important to continue pumping out great content for your site.

In fact, there are so many options that it can be quite overwhelming trying to figure out what kind of brand video to make.

Luckily, we’ve got you covered. Here are the four essential brand videos you need to make right now!

An explainer video

This is probably the most important brand video to make, and the one you might want to invest your time and money in first. One of the best ways to convey to your audience who and what you are, is to just spell it out! Figure out a creative and engaging way to introduce yourself, your product or services and any other useful information in a 1-2 minute video.

If that doesn’t seem like enough time for you, consider rolling out a series of short videos to keep engagement high!

Interviews and introductions

If you want to breakdown some of the key characteristics of your business but are worried that an explainer vid might come out a little too wooden, consider asking some of your team members to offer their insight and expertise in quick intro videos.

The trick to a fantastic interview is to ask open-ended questions that will play into similar questions or interests your audience members will likely have. This will offer you a chance to both display your expertise and give your company a human face!

Animation never gets old

An animated video will almost certainly require you to outsource, but it can all be worth it if it becomes a viral hit. Animation allows you to create a fun and entertaining video to hopefully expand your audience. Even more important than that, viral videos can make some not-so-interesting topics super engaging!

If, for example, you want to explain how your work flow and means of production allows you to keep prices low compared to your competitors, you can make this kind of nuts and bolts information colorful and fun through animation!

Adversely, an animated video can also creatively explain tools and services offered by your company that may be hard to grasp for potential customers who could use your services, but are not themselves experts on the industry or niche you work in.

A culture video

It’s no coincidence that basically every major company has some kind of culture video on the Internet. A culture video allows companies to speak to their customers directly and tell them what they’re about.

You can display how you are working to separate yourself from the pack of competitors and why you offer the best customer experience for … well … your customers.

Whether your company is old school or innovative and new, make sure that your culture video is an honest and truthful representation of who you are and what you believe in.

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