The Best Poker Movies Ever Made

Cultivated and refined since the early nineteenth century, poker is one of the world’s most-played betting card games of modern-day. It’s a fun pastime that can be enjoyed almost anytime, and there’s an entire industry built around tournaments across the globe. The concept of playing professional came after the first World Series of Poker began in 1970. It’s popularity exponentially grew as we ushered into the twenty-first century after poker was increasingly broadcast on television. And as a result of its exposure, we saw the “poker-boom” that ran between 2003 and 2006.

Although poker saw a tremendous increase in notoriety during those three years, it had been featuring in films long before then – and it hasn’t stopped since. A quick online search will render hundreds of poker movies premiered throughout the years, but not all display the entire gaming experience. We’ve found the ultimate list of poker movies that encompasses the games’ effect on players and the subculture most accurately. Let’s look at the list of top-4 poker movies most recommended by poker enthusiasts.

– Rounders: with Matt Damon & Edward Norton (1998)

Matt Damon plays the role of a law student named Mike McDermott, a gifted poker player who has a lot at stake. The story revolves around unpaid debt, relationships, and the multi-tasking of law school running concurrently with life’s pressures as we know it. We all know that hungry feeling of yearning to achieve whatever it is we desire. That’s why you have to respect the mindset and attitude shown in this movie when anything short of winning first prize is just as bad as losing. The two-hour-long film grossed USD 22.90 million.

– Finder’s Fee: with Erik Palladino & Ryan Reynolds (2001)

This movie explores the scenario often seen when greed turns good people into monsters. You’ll witness how the ordinary people become consumed with winning at all cost, while their characters devolve into psychopathic rogues who’ll stop at nothing. The story revolves around a group of close friends, a stranger, and a USD 6 million winning lottery ticket. Written and directed by the host of the popular reality show Survivor, Jeff Probst, the one-hundred-minute film also won the 2001 Golden Space Needle Award for Best Picture.

– Smart Money: with Edward G. Robinson & James Cagney (1931)

Edward G. Robinson plays Nick, an immigrant Greek barber with the unlikely poker playing skills in this movie produced during the Great Depression. It is an inspirational story about overcoming the odds, even when all the cards are stacked against you. The story revolves around a rollercoaster of wins and losses, the sometimes unfortunate consequences of one’s irreversible actions, and the blind weakness men have for the superior sex. The eighty-minute-long classic is the only film ever made where Robinson and Cagney share the screen.

– Molly’s Game: Starring Jessica Chastain as Molly (2017)

This movie is based on the true story of Molly Bloom’s modern-day poker story that ended in her finishing with much less than she had started with. She does a stellar job narrating the scenes herself, with hair-raising events that will leave you doubting the facts was it not for the fact that the story made headline news when it happened. The story revolves around an epic girl-power poker-boss, celebrities & FBI scenes only seen in movies, and a relatable look into how a split-second decision to cross the line can change your life. The two-hour twenty-minute-long movie is a must-see – followed by real-life YouTube interviews with Molly Bloom set in current times.

– Live Your Own Poker Fantasy

Are you ready to put your poker skills to the test? Try your hand at daftar idn poker to experience the thrill only seen in movies. Compare your poker skills with the best, and start playing like a pro before the flop.


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