Tips for Creating a Newsletter for Your Business

A business newsletter can be a great way to keep customers engaged with your brand and your listings, even when they’re not active in the market. It’s also a good way to make sure you’ve got solid word of mouth in the community, but cultivating a newsletter that people want to read means finding out how to put together solid, polished content they’ll look forward to seeing every few weeks. You need to be able to bring them engaging new information above and beyond updated listings, while presenting it in an easy to navigate and friendly way. Here are a few tips for working that out.

Keep Visual Design in Mind

Finding a good real estate brochure template that presents well online or in print can be a great way to send your content to your mailing list while creating attractive informational fliers to hand to walk-in clientele at the office. Today’s template designs are often capable of handling both formats, but not every template designer plans that way. If you’re only using a digital format, you can also choose from many newsletter real estate templates that are built to work with email email list clients.

Never Neglect Brand Unity

Using real estate marketing templates that are built to work with your font and color choices across several different digital platforms means having a comfortable, reliable presence when you communicate. The right design help will be able to set you up with easy to deploy templates for communications that match the design on your site, in your app, and in your print materials. This ensures your content is recognizable no matter where customers encounter it, and it’s important in regular communications like newsletters.

Promote Content That’s Useful To Your Base

Most of the time, the majority of the people on your email list will not be actively seeking to buy or sell property. They will be looking for real estate related information, though. From updates about property taxes, school millages, and new commercial developments to helpful tips that put investors in touch with financing resources, you’ve got an opportunity to comment on and link to the content that helps your clients make the most of their properties, no matter their reasons for owning them. In the case of investor clients, it can also help accelerate their portfolio growth to put them in touch with the right resources, and linking to them gives you a chance to comment with messaging that is promotional without being a direct sales pitch. Here are some other ideas for relevant, useful, low-pressure content that readers will probably appreciate:

  • Updates about local events and festivals, especially those backed by local municipal governments
  • Seasonal safety information for those traveling during summer vacation or over the winter holidays
  • Information on trends in real estate markets you serve
  • Trends and changing rules for real estate finance
  • Credit building resources
  • Home decorating and landscaping news and ideas

When you connect your newsletter to your customers’ interests, it gives them a chance to reflect on the possible actions they can take when they see a new listing they like in the same newsletter. It also gives them a reason to keep reading even when they’re not actively participating in the market, which keeps your name on their mind when friends and family need a recommendation for a real estate professional.

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