4 Ways For Content Creators To Publish Their Content

In this golden age of digital publishing, anyone can become a content creator. However, not all can achieve their goal of having maximum visibility. If you’re one of them, you’re probably thinking your content is the problem. The truth is, it’s possible you’re doing it wrong—not the content creation itself, but how you publish it.

If you’re creating content that you want to publish, it’s most probably because you want to earn money out of it. But if you’re publishing it on a single website only or just your personal social media accounts, that translates to very minimal exposure. Chances are, visibility will also be minimal, and results, even less so.

To get the most out of content creation, you have to explore different options when it comes to reaching your target audience. Your goal should be to amplify your reach and exposure, which means looking at various ways to publish your content.

Repurpose Your Content

You can repurpose your content for one major reason, and that’s to make it more appealing so that it can reach a wider audience. Repurposing may include adding visual infographics or creating a new format, but basically, it remains the same, with the uniqueness and relevance of it still visible.

Repurposed contents are ideal for when you’re posting a guest blog on another website. You can consider reaching out to a site with a wide reach, such as MyTrendingStories and other similar websites. Those creative platforms allow you to connect with their communities that are openly willing to share stories and views on various topics.

Utilize Social Media Platforms

Whenever you post or publish new content on your blog or other websites, you can update your status on social media accounts. Try to be as creative as you can when posting, such as writing the first few lines of your content to tease the readers. Make sure you include the link of your content, so they can easily click on it to read more about it.

Here are some ways to amplify your content reach using social media:

  • Add an image whenever you’re posting. Images are proven to contribute to catching the interest of readers.
  • Utilize the benefits of using hashtags. Most social media platforms are hashtag-friendly, and you can take advantage of that. Use hashtags that relate to your content, and make it as unique as possible.
  • Upload posts that contain the link to your content. Each post should be creative and unique enough to capture the interest of people.
  • Consider using paid promotions when using social media to promote your content. It helps in targeting specific audiences who are most likely to be interested in what your content’s all about.

Social media has seen incredible potential in reaching different types of audiences. Whatever your niche or product may be, you can surely find several social media users who can potentially be your constant readers.

LinkedIn Articles

If you haven’t visited LinkedIn for a while, it’s time to go back and be a frequent user. There’s this feature on this professional networking platform where you can add an article or content. Aside from the content being visible to LinkedIn users themselves, it’ll also show up on search engine results pages. Doing this is like hitting two birds in one stone. Even if the content already exists on your compelling blog or somewhere else, search engines won’t flag it as duplicate content.


Webinars can be a useful marketing tool when utilized effectively. It works as a virtual meeting place where you can interact with your audience to discuss your product, service, or content. It’s more personalized and you can have the opportunity to elaborate more about what you’re offering.

Another advantage of webinars as a marketing tool is that you’ll have the opportunity to obtain an email list of people who show genuine interest in your content. The addresses will come in handy for when you need to send out notifications or updates about your new content that you’ll publish in the future.

Final Words

As technology advances, there’s nothing more that consumers want than to have instantaneous access to anything they need and enjoy. If you’ve been planning on being a content creator but have been holding back for some reason, you might want to rethink that now.

There’s almost no limit today when it comes to digital publishing and interactive content creation. From social media platforms to websites and blogs, it’s easier than ever to create something and introduce it to a wider audience. The key is to know the ways for content creators to publish their content and with the list above, you can have an idea of where to start. So, get started on your unique content and publish away.

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