Can you drink alcohol the night before a drug test?

It can happen to anyone. Yes! I said it. But know this now; there is a trick to passing a piss test even if you had consumed alcohol only 24 hours before your test.

Wanna know how? Then read to the end.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is not in any way or form professional advice and the writer would not be held liable for how you use the information.

Let’s say you have been out with the boys for a wild night of binge drinking and a little pot puffing, and then “Bingo” you get notified of a possible random drug test the next morning.

What a dilemma!

Not to worry, you are not alone. Several people that have been faced with the same situation have found a way through. While it is advisable to allow your body naturally detoxify itself, desperate times require desperate actions, right?

So, without much ado, I present 3 ways to beat a urine test even if you had only 24 hours to prepare.

  1. Substitute Urine: The choice of substitute urine in place of yours becomes the most obvious choice if you can find someone who is clean, trustworthy and willing to allow you to use their urine for your test. But even if you can check all these boxes, there is another problem.

Human urine is quite difficult to preserve. A fresh urine sample to be used for testing is expected to have an ambient temperature of about 94° to 100°F, if left for a period, the urine sample can go bad quite quickly.

But there is the option of synthetic urine! Synthetic urine samples contain all the necessary components found in natural human urine, including B vitamins, uric acid and creatine. It’s either pre-mixed or in powder form, allowing you to create fresh samples just when you need them.

As described in this fact sheet, synthetic urine samples come readily available or easy to mix.

  1. Detox Flush Drinks: Detox drinks are specially made beverages that remove drug metabolites from your bladder. The beverage works to help flush out all drug metabolites through frequent urination.

Detox drinks, when taken appropriately, can effectively flush all drug metabolites in your urine, leaving a clean urine sample. Flush drinks achieve their purifying effects by making you urinate more frequently. They are usually ingested approximately 2 hours before the test, after which time you will start to feel a need to urinate more frequently.

For maximum efficiency, you should urinate at least three times before the drug test, to ensure that your urine is free of any illicit substances.

Note: Detox Flush Drinks can only clean your urine for a few hours after which drug metabolites slowly re-enter your urine, according to this study.

While the detox drinks can be adequate for some individuals, the detox pills (tablets) provide a more effective result.

  1. Same day Detox Pills: Detox pill offer an effective method of natural detoxification of your urine. It contains a broad range of natural ingredient that aid in flushing out toxins from your body through more frequent urination. For maximum efficiency, you are advised to take the pill 1 day before your test is due.

For even better performance, you should take both pills and drink together hours before your test. Take the pills first (say 12 hours before) and the drink 2-hours before you are due to take the test.


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