How You Can Control Your General Contractor: Best Tips

When you hire a general contractor, you make a serious investment. Even if you spend weeks looking for the perfect candidate, you must be worried about the outcome. Regardless of the stellar references and excellent portfolio, a general contractor may not turn out all you wish them to be.

That’s why many people try to control general contractors to make sure they are doing their job right. In reality, you need to have a certain experience to see if the contractor is making any serious mistakes along the way.

It’s hard for an average client to control the general contractor’s every move. It’s also time-consuming and hardly rewarding. By signing a good contract, establishing the right relationship with general contractors, and monitoring the progress, you can achieve better results.

1.    Be Clear About Your Needs

If you don’t want to deal with extra expenses and unpleasant surprises, don’t make any allowances. Make sure to tell the contractor exactly which equipment, appliances, and materials you want to use as well as how much you are willing to pay for them.

If you let the contractor decide, they may end up choosing something you don’t like with a price tag you don’t expect. You can control this situation only if you clarify all details in advance.

2.    Discuss Communication Rules

Before signing a contract, talk to the contractor about communicating. If you’d like to control the work daily, make sure the contractor agrees to such monitoring. Ask for the general contractor’s phone number and discuss the suitable calling hours.

To make sure work is going as planned, consider meeting with the project leader on a daily basis. The contractor should agree to provide progress reports (even if just verbally) and explain what work is planned for the nearest future. They should also be prepared to answer any questions you may have.

3.    Make Timely Payments

Your relationship with a general contractor depends on how well you follow the payment schedule. If you want all work to be done on time, make sure to follow through with your part of the contract.

You are fully responsible for making payments as discussed in the contract. If you fail to do that, the contractor may feel free to delay work as well. Being late with payments can have a negative effect on your relationship and the outcome of the entire project.

4.    Keep a Journal

Unless you are an experienced contractor or construction worker, it’s hard to keep all the necessary information about the project in your head. That’s why keeping a journal can help you control the contractor.

You can use the journal to track progress, write down things you need to ask the contractor, record your ideas, and much more.

Additionally, the journal can help track all the changes to the initial plan. Such changes are unavoidable, and according to expert contractors at AFS General Contracting, all of them can be accommodated timely. Just make sure you out all of them in writing.

5.    Be Proactive

While a nagging client can be highly distracting for a contractor, checking your contractor’s work regularly is part of the process. A good general contractor is ready to have you monitor their work. They shouldn’t be frustrated about your presence at the site. After all, you are paying for it.

Besides making visual inspections, you can:

  •         Make sure the right products and materials are being used by comparing model numbers to the information on receipts.
  •         Check if the locations of all door openings are constructed according to the plan.

If you notice any issues, don’t hesitate to voice your opinion.

6.    Be Polite

Establishing a good relationship with a contractor is one of the keys to a fruitful collaboration. Even if you aren’t happy about something, make sure to communicate it in a polite manner.

If you’ve done a good job selecting a contractor, they can address all issues timely without any pressure on your part.

Final Thoughts

Even the best general contractors make mistakes. By monitoring their work, you can catch issues timely and get the results you want without any extra expenses. When working with a contractor, remember to establish a trusting relationship to ensure a successful collaboration.


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