DOGE price prediction

Dogecoin was launched on December 6th, 2013. It is a p2p decentralized electronic currency that helps us to send funds on the Internet easily. Its emergence was the result of efforts to extend the adoption of cryptocurrencies and to raise public awareness. First, it was inspired by the social media meme of a Shiba Inu dog (or doge, as users like to call it) which still remains its mascot to date.

The creator of Dogecoin is Billy Markus — he made this project with the help of Jackson Palmer, who withdrew from it in 2015. The fact that the crypto was created seven years ago and we still talk about it and a lot of people buy it speaks for itself. In the crypto industry that amount of time is considered significant and with this in mind, we should understand how legitimate and credible DOGE is compared to many other digital coins.

The price of DOGE in September 2020 is currently $0,002736, its market cap is $345 259 696 and its circulating supply is 126 177 041 967 DOGE, which is among the highest-circulating supplies among all coins. Today Dogecoin takes 40th place on the Brave New Coin market cap table. Based on the Scrypt Proof-of-Work coins Luckycoin and Litecoin, DOGE has a fixed block reward of 10,000 DOGE, and a one minute block time with no limit on the total number of coins created.

DOGE transactions per day have largely ranged from 20,000-50,000 since December 2017, its average transaction values have declined since January 2019. On January 10, 2019, DOGE reached a record high US$3.27 billion in on-chain daily transaction volume, surpassing all other coins that day — all but Bitcoin. Turning to developer activity, DOGE has seemingly had very little dev activity over the past few years.

According to several Dogecoin devs, work is not done on the master branch, therefore commits are not visible. Over the past few years, DOGE has experienced a raft of exchange listings, including being added to Robinhood and Yahoo! Finance in July and August 2018, respectively. Additionally, DOGE/USDT pairs were added to Poloniex and Bittrex in August 2018 and September 2018, respectively. In May 2019, DOGE was added to the Coinbase Wallet.

With the market being volatile, predicting the cryptocurrency price is really one of the most difficult tasks. The forecast below was made by Quickex analysts, who are very competent and as trustworthy as the Quickex exchange itself is. Nevertheless, don’t forget that predictions can’t be absolutely accurate and the conditions change, so make decisions wisely.

Dogecoin will probably rise this year as its adoption rate is high. DOGE can fluctuate near the $0.02 mark, where the maximum expected price will be $0.0284 and the minimum expected price will be $0.0214. By 2025 the currency has all chances to reach the $0.04 mark. It can even reach the $0.05 mark on condition that no huge shake-ups will take place. The lowest expected price in 2025 is $0.281, and the highest expected price might be $0.0450 ($0.05 under ideal circumstances). All of the above suggests that this asset might be a very good addition to your crypto portfolio.

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