5 Smile Facts Revealed by Your Dentist in Sunshine

A smile spreads happiness and wellbeing all around you. However, the best smiles are the ones that are healthy and strong. This post discusses some interesting teeth facts that highlight how strong your teeth are, that said teeth need to be cared for, and dentist in Sunshine urge individuals to take appropriate care of their teeth.

Tooth Enamel Is The Toughest Part of The Body 

The visible part of the tooth or the crown is called the enamel. It is the hardest part of the human body, stronger than any bone. With almost 96 per cent mineral on the surface, the tooth enamel is highly resistant to breakage or external wear. However, it is susceptible to degeneration by the acids released by foods and drinks. In addition, teeth can crack and chip; therefore, teeth should only be used to eat food items rather than nutcracker and cork openers.

Teeth Can Last For Hundred Years 

The teeth enamel is so strong that it can last for hundreds of years. As a result, dental remains found during excavations have revealed many secrets of human history. And teeth start to form even before you are born when the child is in their mother’s womb, but they start surfacing when the child is 6-12 months old. Humans have no more than two sets of teeth, the primary teeth, and the permanent teeth, so once you have the permanent teeth, you need to take good care of them.

Human Bite Is Strong 

A human bite can exert almost 200 pounds of pressure when you bite down; normal chewing requires only 70 pounds of bite pressure. This leads to humans using teeth as a bottle opener; the dentist will advise you against using your tooth to eat foods. In addition, biting nuts could lead to chipping of the teeth.

Teeth Cannot Heal On Their Own 

Unlike other tissues in the body, the teeth cannot repair themselves independently and need proper care to last long. Regular oral care at home will ensure that your teeth do not get damaged by bacteria and other infections. Once hurt, the dentist may use various procedures and treatments to treat the teeth.

Teeth Are Resistant To Decay And Bacteria Infection 

There are more than 300 different bacteria that exist in our mouth that can harm our teeth. While our teeth can resist decay, they need assistance to fight tooth decay. Additionally, making healthy food choices can keep the teeth healthy and retain their shine and health.


Teeth are strong and can last a long time. However, teeth are subject to wear and dental decay and cannot repair on their own. Regular dental care and dental check-ups will help prevent many dental diseases like dental caries and cavities and keep your smile strong and healthy.


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