Advantages of using licensed programs

Pirates follow the release of new software as actively as IT specialists or computer enthusiasts. This is not surprising – their earnings depend on the number of hacked programs.

Software creators spend huge sums of money to protect the product of their intellectual work from intruders, but every day the number of free pirated assemblies on torrents is only growing.

How does it work? What are licenced software and why spend money on them at all with such an abundance of available software?

TOP-10 advantages of licensed programs

  1. Personal data protection. The main income line for pirates is theft and extortion. In 9 programs out of 10, downloaded for free from a torrent, a virus is embedded. It opens access to information stored on the user’s device: correspondence, access to linked devices, transactions and bank cards, photos, and work files. By stealing data, pirates make a living and pay off the labor of cracking the next software product.
  2. Full functionality. When installing software products, it is assumed that they will work in a certain way. The operation of pirated software does not give any guarantees. Hackers break into software not for the user to enjoy their work, but for their own benefit. It is because of this that the functionality of unlicensed software is often curtailed.
  3. Free updates. The manufacturer is interested in a comfortable user experience, so he tirelessly improves the software and sends, as a rule, free updates. Developers fix bugs, make work more efficient and faster. Such advantages of licensed programs are not available to hacked software.
  4. Stable work of other programs and OS. Often unlicensed software conflicts with already installed software and operating systems. This affects the performance and stability of the entire computer.
  5. Qualified pre-sales consultations provided by the supplier or software manufacturer. They are interested in you purchasing and successfully using the product, so they will give you complete information and facilitate the subsequent work with the software.
  6. Manufacturer’s technical support. Only holders of license keys have the ability to intelligently optimize software for efficient operation.
  7. The emergence of new software products. Paying for the manufacturer’s labor, you stimulate him to create more advanced software.
  8. Entering the international market and the ability to work according to ISO. Business owners who dream of certifying a management system, gaining an edge over competitors, and acquiring new solvent customers cannot do without licensed software.
  9. Kudos. Clients trust more companies that do not have twists and turns with the law due to the use of illegal software. Official software also becomes a reason for increasing trust from government agencies, without which it is difficult to conduct business openly.
  10. Legal use of the software. You can become the owner of the license key to activate the OS and other software by contacting the SoftMonster online store of licensed software.

Until the first failure, people rarely believe in its inevitability. Many people use pirated software and laugh at simpletons who invest in something that can be obtained for free.

However, it is difficult to imagine a person who, after working on licensed Windows, would be eager to change it to a pirated version. As soon as you are convinced from your own experience of the usefulness and quality of the official software, it becomes even strange that I used to be content with low-grade software and considered it the norm.

What threatens the use of pirated software of the organization

According to the Business Software Alliance (BSA) trade association, which protects the rights of developers around the world, 60% of all software in the world is hacked.

Most free software lovers are ordinary users who download programs from torrents and use them on home computers. However, a large proportion is accounted for by commercial organizations, which are administratively and criminally liable for the use of stolen software.

Where to buy licensed software online

Investing in official software is profitable not only for business but also for private users. In addition to the saved nerves and time for taming pirated programs, licensed software gives the right to use the purchased product at full capacity.

Volmaks online store provides a selection of license keys for activation and official use of the software. By purchasing a license, you guarantee yourself a productive, calm, and lawful work, become part of a society that encourages the development of technology and itself strives for legal and useful activities.


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