BOSIET: how to choose a center to pass it?

BOSIET with CA-EBS is a must for all workers seeking a job in the offshore oil and gas industry. The task of such workers is challenging, demands solid knowledge, experience, and skills. Before being sent offshore, a worker has to pass BOSIET in one of the approved training centers.

OPITO is a non-profit organization that was established by companies of the oil and gas industry to educate and train the industry’s workers worldwide. Its aim is to create and unify the standards of emergency response and control the quality of services.

OPITO’s requirements for prospective BOSIET training centers

BOSIET training can be provided by OPITO-approved institutions only. OPITO has strict instructions which have to be observed by the institution to become OPITO-approved center and have a right to train students:

First is the staff. The instructors have to be prepared and experienced. Training staff should also have valid certificates of fitness, be in good shape to perform training and assessment.

Second is knowledge and training areas. A prospective center needs to have quality facilities and equipment. The facilities have to perform three primary purposes. They are administration, lecture, and training purposes:

  • To perform administrative tasks, a center will need to provide students with the course’s information and issue a certificate.
  • Then, a center should have a knowledge area where lectures will take place. Such places should ensure that every student can hear, view, and take part in discussions.
  • Finally, a center should also have a training area. The role of the training area is crucially important. Because BOSIET training part aims to allow placing trainers at the closest to real conditions, this will give them practical experience to feel confident in case of a real emergency.

The OPITO-approved centers comply with these requirements to train the future workers of the oil and gas industry. A student may check if his country has an OPITO-approved center on the OPITO website and find the nearest if his country has no such center yet. Many states have no approved center or just opened one. For example, the first OPITO-approved center was opened in Ghana at the beginning of 2019.

How does BOSIET training go?

Even though no particular prerequisites are needed for this training, all the student will fill fitness declaration. Before starting the course, they also have to sign a statement that they understood about the physically and emotionally stressful situations they will face. The certificate will expire in four years. If a worker is planning to keep working in the industry, he needs a refresher course – FOET. The course consists of four modules focused on theoretical knowledge and practical training. It will take four days. During these four days, the trainees will study the main hazards typical for offshore, how to identify and eliminate them, principal safety regimes, how to use CA-EBS, lifejacket, safety, and firefighting equipment, study emergency signals.

There is a new option to study the theoretical part online. The trainees can benefit a lot of distance learning. They can study from any part of the world. They only need to come to the center to demonstrate their knowledge and go through an assessment to receive a certificate. It will take just one day.

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