Frequently asked questions about MT 4

Forex trading can be an interesting form of trading if you are looking forward to becoming a full-time trader. But, if you are into the business of brokerage, you need to provide an ultimate platform to the traders for buying and selling your products. The financial products can be traded only through a secure platform and this is why your brokerage firm must have a white label platform.

This article is going to address a few of the most important queries related to the MT 4 white label. These queries are collected based on the research and the most googled ones. These are aimed at helping the brokerage firms as well as the clients who are interested in forex trading.

Let us explore a few of the most important questions amongst the users.

  • How much does MT 4 cost?

The most frequently searched query regarding How much does MT 4 cost? Is finally answered on this website. The cost of the MT 4 firm is divided into a long term investment and the hosting charging. The initial amount that is paid by the brokerage firm is around  $100,000 as an upfront fee. On top of it, a monthly charge of $15,000 per month for value-added services like the hosting and service staff are levied.

  • Why should MT4 be installed in my brokerage firm?

It is suggested that the focus should be on the value that is provided by the MT4 platform to your brokerage firm. It helps in increasing the reach of the firm and adds credibility. In turn, the profitability is increased and the firm gets rolling.

  • What are the primary markets the MT 4 caters to?

MT 4 was only open to the forex market initially. It was built only for the forex platform, but later it extended its services across the other platforms too.

  • Is there any time zone in MT 4?

There is no default time zone as such in MT4. MT 4 sets its time zone default to the country you are using it from. Hence, it is essential to adjust the time zones according to the trading market.

  • Is the time zone manually changed on MT 4?

It is not possible to change it manually. It depends on your broker. For the time zone to be changed, you need to change the broker as it enables the switching of the time zones.

  • How is MT 4 different from MT 5?

MT 4 was a platform that was initially designed only for the forex market. MT 5 is an upgraded version of the MT 4 as it allows you to trade across all the financial and non-financial markets.

Talking about efficiency, MT 5 defeats MT 4 in this aspect, hands down!

  • Does MT 4 support cryptocurrency trading?

Using the various kinds of plug-ins, MT 4 can trade the cryptocurrency. You can use the BTC/USD  to trade the bitcoin through the MT 4 platform.

If your brokerage firm is looking to expand its business into the bigger markets, it is essential to establish a strong partnership with MT 4 white label firms to leverage their market share.


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