How Your Logo Impacts Consumer Response

A brand’s logo has always been known as a way of identification against competitors. Although this is true, this is not all-encompassing. The meaning behind your logo is more than what meets the eye. Its impact affects consumer response in various ways.

Logos stir emotion

The visual representation of your brand is a symbol of emotional association. There are several types of logos to choose from. Some are word-driven, perfect if your business name is long. Take Coca-cola as an example. Other logos are image-driven, such is the case for Apple’s striking and mind-boggling logo. You can also use mascots on your logo if you’re trying to appeal to young children and families; such is the case with KFC. Emblem logos are badge-like, denoting class and longevity; such is the case with Harvard and Harley Davidson. The type of logo you choose helps determine the emotion that it elicits among consumers.

Logo design controls perception

The many types of logos are generally categorized as abstract or natural. Abstract logos showcase a design that’s artificially constructed and do not represent any real-life objects. This is the case with Airbnb’s logo. On the other hand, natural designs are representations of real things you see around, such as the sun, sky, flowers, and fruits. Take Lacoste’s logo as an example.

A logo’s design influences consumer perception even before promotional activities are implemented. In a way, consumers appraise a brand by its looks before they are willing to talk business. This means different people will have different perceptions about your brand. If your target market is mothers, it is sensible to choose a logo that shows or reminds them of a baby, so they can positively perceive your brand. Females, in general, are charmed by natural deigns. If they are your intended market, choose logos that depict flowers, plants, faces, and bodies. Men generally prefer vehicles and characters. Many people, including the elderly, are more accepting of symbols that remind them of things around them, instead of abstract ones. Abstract logos are the likes of Pepsi, Mazda, and Playstation’s logos.

Logos speak to consumers

Real estate industries take logo inspiration from houses, and music companies use musical notes and instruments. Your logo should convey your business’s message to consumers. If your logo is enticing enough, consumers will keep an open mind to what your business offers. Keep in mind that logo design is a visual language; therefore, it should be global in scale. Choosing a logo can be overwhelming as it will represent your brand until further notice. It is also the basis of the merchandise that will come with your marketing efforts. If you feel the need to consult a logo, merchandise, and t shirt graphics designer, feel free to do so. This way, you will feel confident to let your logo do the talking.

The type of logo you go after showcases designs and proportions that elicit emotional responses, leading to perception. Since your logo is a stimulus, it should be done mindfully and deliberately. Take your time or seek creative guidance when necessary.

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