Part-Time Job: 25 Options for You to Increase Your Income

Are you looking for a part-time job? Do you wish to increase your income or earn some bucks to manage your expenses being a student, whatever your reason is, part-time jobs help us all. But what exactly can we do as a part-time job that pays? Worry not. Here we have listed 25 part-time jobs that you can do to increase your income.

Simple part-time jobs to increase your income

The jobs listed below are generally easier to get, and best of all, they are not usually difficult jobs to do.

1. Delivery man

Working as a delivery man can be an option when generating extra income by working part-time. There are companies where you can work part-time autonomously delivering food, flowers, parcels in general … For example, Amazon Flex offers wages between $10 to $20 per hour. There are also other companies like Uber, Caviar, or goPuff, where you can access a part-time job as a delivery man.

2. Pet care

There are more and more opportunities, especially in big cities like Boston, where you can work taking care of pets. It is a regular job that you can do eventually. To locate these opportunities, you only have to access one of the pages to work caring for animals that are available in each country.

3. Fitness instructor

Are you one of those who spend many hours in the gym? You can propose to become a fitness instructor and take advantage of those hours of training by teaching as a personal trainer or by giving group classes. The same even becomes a full-time job.

4. Wedding planner

Weddings can be a good part-time job option. Wedding planners help couples organize weddings, from the entire wedding to certain parts of the event (ceremony, treat, clothing, gift list, accommodation if necessary, entertainment …) And who knows…? perhaps it may turn into a full-time job.

5. Hotel Concierge

If you wish to be in the best places to eat and do things in your community, this job is for you. Working part-time as a concierge at a hotel or resort will allow you to share advice with guests. Hiring a concierge table is a good and easy option for someone with skills.

6. Restaurant Host

Working as a waiter or host is another option you can choose for your part-time job. If you are open and friendly, you can manage the flow of guests. And if the restaurant does not accept reservations and can juggle phone calls while performing other tasks, this is an option to consider.

7. Salon receptionist

Can you perform many tasks at the same time? Are your interpersonal skills at the highest level? Be a receptionist then. Reception desks include greeting customers, managing schedules, and answering phone calls. You can also sell products and give trips to new or potential customers.

8. Tutor

If you are a university student or teacher, you can choose a part-time job of teaching students the subjects you are expert at. Be it mathematics, languages, music … any subject of your career, there are many options. Of course, you will need to arm yourself with patience and desire to teach. There are also options for teachers who prefer to teach online.

9. Classroom or library monitor

Another part-time job that you can carry out is that of a classroom monitor, library in-charge, gym attendant, etc. A monitor is responsible for nothing out of the ordinary happening.

10. Take care of kids

Traditionally known as “babysitting,” it is a very opportune job if you like children and want to earn extra money eventually. You can search for this type of work through internet advertisements, specialized web portals or using other techniques such as putting up posters, or word of mouth asking.

11. Photography

If you like photography, you can turn your hobbit into a part-time job for extra income. There are many ways to earn money from photography, from working at events, weddings, and more to selling photographs online.

12. Housekeeper

This may be one of the best jobs in the world for many. You just have to make sure that everything is in order, carry out the pertinent maintenance, and eventually, you will have to do the odd repair. When you work with a good client, you will believe that you are at home.

13. Data entry operator

Data entry is another part-time job that can be performed online or on-site. You will need to write quickly and accurately. For some tasks, you need specialized skills, such as knowledge of legal or medical terminology. Keep in mind that there are many types of data available so, know the job description well before you opt for one.

14. Virtual assistant

Many companies currently operate without having a physical headquarters. This opens up multiple opportunities for so-called “virtual assistants” to work with different tasks. These include customer service, telephone service, organization of appointments, and the agenda of the company and entrepreneurs.

You can start with a single customer and then, when you identify which area is better, like it better, and you can start specializing, getting more customers and, of course, increasing your potential to make money.

15. Freelance content creator

Every self-respecting business today is delivering some kind of online marketing content, right? We realize how much we are surrounded by information in recent years and, in a way, this has been working. But with everyone fighting to get attention, the demand for excellent copywriters grows every day.

After all, everyone can publish something, but few are the ventures that are creating content so attractive that it can stand out and attract the attention of the public, creating a loyal and engaged audience. If you have the ability to write well, there are several lucrative opportunities waiting for you.

16. Influence marketer

This job consists of selling a product or service from a company that outsources your influence (which can be through a mailing list that you can build, a blog, or even on your social networks). Today, so-called influence marketing seeks out those people who are influencers to win over other potential customers, generating not only sales but also online engagement.

If you don’t have an engaged audience in any medium whatsoever, it may be best to try to work on it first and then invest in becoming an influencer marketer.

It is worth noting that companies do not necessarily pay their influencers in cash. Many of them start earning in products, discounts, etc.

17. Social-media influencer

Very similar to the work above, but even more specific. If you like working with social networks, if you understand a little bit about marketing secrets and have a large (loyal) following, well, then you could be making money from it. Some social media influencers are so engaged that they can earn thousands of dollars per publication. Yes, this is how it works! Think about it and find the reasons why do brands invest so much in “virtual storefronts” if there was no return, right?

18. Be a brand ambassador

If you are a friend with enthusiasm, the ability to stand on your feet, and availability to work in flexible hours, including on weekends, you can become a brand ambassador too. The brand ambassadors communicate, give out samples, and share benefits with potential customers.

19. Shop Keeper

There are many establishments where you can work part-time. Above all, fashion stores and department stores often publish job offers of this type. Not only nationally, but also, if you are abroad and need extra money, this is an option to consider. Visit the websites of the most famous stores and department stores to access job offers.

20. Polls

Although there has been a lot of talk about filling out surveys, they are there, and they work. Obviously, they are not full-time jobs. But to get extra money as part-time supplementary work, it’s not bad. You choose the time you want to spend filling out surveys, and at the end of the month, you will receive extra payment.

21. Sell T-shirt designs

If you are good at designing and would like to design T-shirts, there are a series of web portals where you can upload your designs and earn money from T-shirts and other items that are sold with them.

22. Sell online

A part-time job that has become the business of many is selling products online. It is surely a good way to supplement your income. When we talk about online sales, we remember eBay – which is a great tool, since its concept is quite simple: buy for less, sell for more. Also, it is a viable option if you are looking for money for other ideas, such as starting your startup; after all, there is a big risk for those who want to start a job online – it is highly recommended to guarantee, in some way, the security of money in the account.

In fact, online sales can be made even for those who are working in a company and can be administered before or after hours.

23. Drive or Rent your car

Do you know that you can get extra money by driving? If you go on a trip you have free seats in the car, you can use platforms such as Uber  to publish your trip and generate extra income. Although if you prefer to rent your car instead of driving, it is also possible.

24. Decoration

The decoration of parties, birthdays, and other events for young people is a good opportunity to generate extra income through a part-time job. Generally, these types of jobs are sporadic and can offer you that extra income you need.

25. Independent work

Independent work or freelancing is a way to use the skills you have already developed to increase your earnings. Many employers do not want to get involved in adding an employee to the payroll, and the opportunities to work abroad are abundant. You can work as much as you like. If you’re unsure about what you can do, look through the jobs at Upwork for some ideas.

As you can see, there are several options for part-time jobs that are well paid, which allows you to use the knowledge you already have. This way, you earn money and experience while you continue your main work or study. It is only a matter of organizing with the schedules.

How to Search for Part-Time Jobs in a Job Seeking Site

Job seeking sites such as JobGet are a good option to access a part-time job. On most of these sites, you’ll find search filters where you can select what type of job you want to find. To do this, you just have to check the “part-time job” box to know all the opportunities available in that area.

We hope this guide helps you find the part-time job you need to generate that extra income. If you like this article, you can download this useful job app.


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