The 5 Best Alternatives to Pipe Drive for Small Business Owners in 2020

A small business comes with a number of challenges. Before we actually talk about the alternatives to PipeDrive, it would be imperative to step back and understand what Pipe Drive or platforms like PipeDrive do, so that we can do justice to this discussion and help you understand why you need these platforms for your small business.

One of the most important things is to understand what Pipe Drive really is and what it actually does. So, to put it simply, PipeDrive is a CRM platform that also brings in a number of marketing automation features. This is also what other PipeDrive alternatives do. CRM is also known as customer relationship management and it helps us maintain and process information pertaining to our customers and prospects as well as all the interactions we may have had with them. Why does Pipe Drive or an alternative to PipeDrive need to do that?

Well, that is because, all business owners and PipeDrive alternatives know this – information is everything in this day and age. A CRM system or a process uses this information in order to create automated targeted campaigns that can deliver you directly to the inbox or social media feed of your ideal customer. This information is used as metrics that can define campaigns and be called up as per the various functions that you create within the CRM framework. A good PipeDrive alternative would help you do all of this even as you bring in better accountability and team collaboration so that you can have an efficient sales pipeline.

When you are on the lookout for a good CRM system, there are a number of things that you would have to look at. The very first thing when you search for an alternative to PipeDrive, is the price factor. This is especially true for small business owners would especially be affected by this since they would not have so many resources at their disposal. So, it would be best to choose a platform that has a price range that gives you plenty of features at an affordable cost. Apart from that, one should also look at the level of support that is offered by the platform like Pipe Drive or PipeDrive alternatives.

When it comes to installation and the features that you can use, one should be careful to choose a PipeDrive alternative that can deliver on all counts so that you can work all the features and functions into the framework of the CRM. Accordingly, here are a few alternatives to PipeDrive that you can consider for your CRM and marketing automation functions as well as framework that will help you get through the sales pipeline in an efficient manner:

  1. EngageBay: With over 12,000 users all over the globe and numerous awards to its credit, Engage Bay would be one of the best alternatives to PipeDrive. Not only can the CRM help you organize all your email and other needs, the marketing automation will also give you plenty of scope to reach your ideal audience and engage efficiently with them so that you can advocate the need for your products and services in a targeted manner. This platform also gives you all the features at various price points so that you have affordability on your side along with constant support for setup and installation as well as servicing as you and your team get used to the platform.
  2. Apptivo: With Apptivo, you get a cloud based system that helps you organize your CRM as a fitting PipeDrive alternative. This platform helps you organize all your functions that revolve around seamless CRM so that you can help your team get through all these functions and activities with ease. Yet, it cannot compare to a platform like EngageBay that gives you a number of integrations at a more affordable cost. So, this would be a good option only if you have a larger amount to invest in this aspect of your business. This platform also allows a number of integrations so that you can get all your features on a single platform in a simple manner.
  3. FreshSales: This is also a great platform that would be a good alternative to PipeDrive. With Fresh Sales, you have plans that start from $0 which makes it easy to try a few of its features before you decide whether or not you want to go ahead and sign up on the platform. This is also a good platform for helping your team members collaborate with each other so that email marketing and other such aspects are well taken care of when you are looking to channel your information into relevant functions and tasks in the sales pipeline.
  4. Insightly: This is also a well known platform that has many users all over the world. You can use Insightly to bring in many functions so as to create a more efficient CRM system in your business. Yet, the cost factor may be something that a lot of small businesses cannot afford in a hurry. Insightly also helps you integrate with various other platforms which makes it a decent alternative to PipeDrive.
  5. Copper CRM: As one of the PipeDrive alternatives, this platform offers you a number of features that can help you organize yourself and your team for better conversions rates in the long run. This platform offers you seamless organization of your contact details even as the exact tasks in the sales pipeline are well organized and setup for better chances of conversion. Integrations and automation of tasks across various platforms are also possible thanks to this alternative to PipeDrive. You can also track deals and get valuable insights so that you can improve your efforts within the team and the team members.

The above analysis shows that EngageBay would be the best and most affordable PipeDrive alternative!


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