California Transhumanist Party Launches the Futurist Vlog to Speed up Evolution

The Futurist vlog launched by California Transhumanist Party is a new media outlet for millennial thinkers.

Hosted by Inessa Lee, CTP’s ideologist, this video blog will feature interviews with prominent scientists, politicians, and futurists who define the course of evolution, approaching the point of the singularity in human history. Inessa introduces herself as a “tour guide to the future” to emphasize the evolutionary nature of the vlog. Her Instagram page that has over 90K followers is dedicated to futurist ideas as well.

Inessa Lee came up with the Futurist vlog concept while working on PBS Newscenter as a meteorologist. “I got bored of doing weather reports, and thought it would be cool to do a video blog about transhumanism,” – said Inessa.

The inaugural episode of the Futurist kicks off with electronic voting ideas suggested by Gennady Stolyarov, the author of the book Death is Wrong. Gennady believes that blockchain voting systems should combine anonymity and verifiability. This can be achieved by assigning a unique voter ID to each individual just for the purposes of the particular election.

Indeed, the idea of blockchain voting, described in episode 1 of the Futurist, is quite innovative. According to Stolyarov, an advanced e-voting system should have a built-in feature, so that each action on the blockchain will have a unique identifier associated with it. This way every electoral vote can be documented and verified.

Ideally, this e-voting system is supposed to eliminate long lines at polling sites altogether. Plus voters won’t be exposed to inconvenience as well as viruses like COVID-19. They will be able to securely vote from the comfort of their homes using a mobile app or computer software.

The voter ID can be a random number or an alphanumeric string known to an individual, but not to any other member of the public. Individual votes can then be published online and associated with voter IDs so that the voters can check whether their vote has been counted accurately. No one else is able to identify the voter from the seemingly random identifier associated with each vote.

Voter ID is known only to the voter (unless they choose to disclose it). Records on the blockchain are immutable: once an action has been taken, it will remain on the record permanently. Therefore, blockchain-based ballots can’t be mysteriously “lost” unlike paper ballots.

If an error occurs, the original, erroneous entry is not deleted, but the error correction becomes part of the ledger and is also transparent to everyone.

California Transhumanist Party has been experimenting with e-voting since august 2020. In fact, they have launched an electronic referendum on the burning economy issues.

“It’s important to implement e-voting systems in the United States and get rid of paper ballots to avoid the election fraud and legal challenges, that our country has faced during the 2020 elections,” – says Inessa Lee.

“The Futurist blog will channel the most progressive ideas of humankind. We created it to speed up evolution,” – states Newton Lee, the chairman of the California Transhumanist Party.

Watch the first episode of the Futurist blog on YouTube:

The Futurist vlog on Instagram:

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