5 Key Differences of Selling Your Southern California Home via Agency vs On Your Own [Pros & Cons]

Selling your home in Southern California could end in a few days. At least it can if you know how to sell or hire professionals to help you.

If you want to sell your home through an agency, try SleeveUp Homes. It’s a real estate agency specialized in the Southern California market.

Selling Your Southern California Home

The success of selling your home depends on a lot of things. First, it depends on the market, then on housing trends. Finally, it depends on the value of your property.

Once you decide to sell your home, you can hire a professional agency or do it alone. It comes down to your selling skills and how much time you can invest.

If you want a fast solution and someone to do the grunt work for you, hiring an agency is the way to go. While selling a house on your own may give you a better deal, the agency route is faster and secure.

Of course, there are specific reasons to enhance the argument.

Less Effort

While you are selling your home, you have a life to live. You don’t want to invest hours into talking to people, reviewing deals, and managing the sale.

Instead, you can hire a professional to do the work. Professionals are going to look for buyers and introduce them to your property.

Also, some agencies like SleeveUp Homes offer to buy old properties. You may waste time finding the funds to refurbish your home. Let them buy it from you at a discount.

The problem with selling through an agency is that you have to find an agency. While there are many companies in the real estate, not all of them offer good deals.

On the other hand, selling the house alone requires good organization, constant contact with potential buyers, and attention.

If you want to reduce your involvement in the process, contact professionals.

The Speed of the Process

Next up is the speed of the process. Selling through the agency could end within a week, and sometimes even a day.

When a professional realtor comes to check your property, they give you an estimate of the offer. You can negotiate, and if you reach a selling price, sell on the spot.

Selling on your own requires you to have your network of buyers. You have to advertise and get the word around that you are selling the house.

Maybe you can finish the sale in a few days, but that is overly optimistic. In most cases, it takes much more time to sell on your own.

If you want to expedite the sales process, use an agency.

Finding the Right Offer

Look out for offers and deals. If you don’t have a lot of experience in the real estate industry, you may get a bad deal for your home.

The agency has a set of criteria for valuing a property. You can check out the median prices and settle on a price for your home.

However, there may be a few buyers, and they want to negotiate first. They are willing to increase the price if you fix something on the property. Avoid bargaining by using the agency.

The agency may buy the property even if it isn’t in the best possible state. Unlike other buyers who want to have everything ready before the purchase.

Contact a real estate agency if you want to avoid bargaining.


The thing to add is the paperwork. While it seems like a minor or a technical thing, paperwork can slow down the sale exponentially.

While you can solve all paperwork problems with a visit to the lawyer, be tidy about them. Getting a deal is all about having the proper paperwork.

Still, selling property is the usual type of transaction. There aren’t too many things to consider or cover as far as the regulations go.

What you want to make sure of is that you are the complete owner of the property. Sometimes, there are clauses or specific instances when you can’t sell the property.

Also, you want to ascertain that the potential buyer has enough money for the purchase. With the increase of real estate agencies, some offer illegal deals.

Check everything with your lawyer before the sale. Or use the agency services and cover that all in the initial phase of the sale.


In the end, certainty is the key difference between selling alone or using an agency. An agency expedites that process a lot. Selling your house alone is all about your selling skills and the hustle.

If you have experience in real estate, you can probably do everything alone. But, people looking to move or travel into new areas don’t have the time for that.

They have to organize their life while selling the property. While it’s possible to do everything alone, it gives you more comfort to delegate this duty.

Using an agency gives you more time, more comfort, and a higher chance to sell. Even though you can do everything alone, you can save up many resources by hiring professionals.

Save the trouble of hustling to sell. Raise the chances of selling by hiring an agency. Let them do the work.

Sell Your Home in Southern California

Take a look at this issue as a busy person. While selling your home gives you a sense of success, let others do that for you.

Save time and earn more money. Use professional services to get more for your property and get a better deal.


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