7 key B2B growth trends and tips for 2022

As a business owner, you must understand that while your business is not growing, the business of your competitors is still flourishing, which means that sooner or later you will be pushed out of the market and lose the game.

This is obvious, but what is often unclear it’s the strategies you should choose to ensure further business growth.

Here, we want to share with you 7 key B2B growth trends and tips for 2022 so that you could prepare in advance.

Digital transformation

We bet that you are familiar with this situation: scattered teams messed ordering and accounting processes, constant interruptions in delivery and inventory. Maybe it’s time to streamline the processes and procedures in your company?

We are living in a world of a full-blown digital revolution, and there are many ways to take over disruptive technology and rapidly grow!

These are just a few benefits of digital transformation for businesses:

  • increased efficiency;
  • improved transparency;
  • better cost savings;
  • enhanced customer experience;
  • higher employee engagement and better culture;
  • better flexibility;
  • revised supply chain management;
  • improved operating model;
  • strong competitive advantages;
  • stable revenue growth.

Of course, it is very difficult to provide a complete digital transformation with no experience. You can try dozens of different approaches and software tools, spend a lot of money and still miss your goal.

Therefore, companies seek help from professionals. Outsourcing digital business transformation allows you to focus on core business tasks, while these specialists implement new systems as efficiently as possible and at a lower cost, coaching your company’s employees.

There are many such companies, and some of them offer advanced solutions for your business. For example, Salesborgs.ai can help your staff master the modern RevOps methods and platforms, and realize their potential to hyper-scale. The company offers several interesting features:

  • Technology Quotient Training that allows you to leverage modern tech stacks and become able to 100x their output and hit every possible target. The TQ training program creates a brand-new level of sales proficiency for your salespeople, allowing them to master RevOps and the fundamentals of modern digital selling and helping them to learn how to outperform their peers 20 to 1.
  • The Superhuman Scaling Sales Systems approach helps you to unlock the flywheel to blitz scale and dominate the market you’re in. It allows your quota-carrying and revenue-generating teams to perfectly master their tech stacks, build-out intent-based targeting, and automate all aspects of the funnel.
  • Customized Methodology Build-out approach allows you to customize your methodology and process, nurture and strengthen your exceptional competitive advantage, and unlock a 3-5x pipeline with a truly disruptive selling motion.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, one of the key marketing trends in 2022, provides tons of benefits for businesses, such as gaining competitive advantages and improving efficiency by unlocking the value of their data, scaling content for more diverse reach, and providing a better understanding of customers, as well as how to engage them better.

Data analysis helps in the promotion of B2B marketing, and automation of operations can significantly increase productivity. AI allows businesses to:

  • use product recommendations  to boost revenue;
  • use chatbots to enhance customer service;
  • сreate perfect сontent marketing strategies;
  • leverage sentiment analysis to get a better understanding of customers;
  • benefit from using dominant competitive intelligence;
  • grow business with accurate sales forecasts;
  • optimize prices and more.

Security & privacy

Leading CMO Council experts found out that in 2022 data security, privacy and accountability are becoming critical factors that build tomorrow’s digital shoppers’ trust. But studies show that only half of existing B2B companies can fully meet these requirements.

If you want people to entrust you with personal data (name, surname, email address, phone number, etc.), you must prove to them that this data is safe at the moment when they’re signing in to your website and that it will be safe in the future.

Here are some tips on how to do it:

  • implement a modern GDPR-ready CRM;
  • use an HTTPS certificate on your website;
  • delete all personal contact information that you do not need;
  • appoint a data protection officer in your company and make sure that you strictly comply with the GDPR regulations.

Customer retention

New customers are the thing that every business wants.  However, there is one more important thing that you should never forget about: it is your long-term customer retention strategy. By building relationships with them, you are building the foundation of your reputation.

According to Harvard research, 5% customer retention can increase your bottom line by 95%! This is a great form of marketing that will be an especially effective choice for companies on a tight budget.

Treat your existing customers with special attention, because they have already trusted you, bought your product, and selling them something again is always easier and faster than making a deal with a stranger.

Here are some tips on how to improve your customer retention:

  • establish clear and open lines of communication;
  • provide the highest-quality service and support to these customers, consult them on time and provide clear explanations;
  • gain feedback, conduct polls to see what you need to improve;
  • appreciate their loyalty;
  • think about special offers, coupons, discounts, etc.

Virtual & Augmented Reality

Both companies and customers benefit from using Augmented Reality, and augmented shopping experiences are at their peak of popularity. AR and VR help consumers find the right product and allow them to try products before buying them.

Using innovative technology, companies can:

  • design new products;
  • improve your sales and brand presentations and product demonstrations;
  • identify efficiency improvements within your business operations;
  • market company;
  • train employees;
  • increase engagement and interaction;
  • provide a richer user experience;
  • increase the perceived value of products and brands;
  • cut costs, as it is an inexpensive alternative to other media platforms;
  • gain access to detailed analytics enabling them to truly understand their audience.

Nowadays, augmented reality is available to businesses of all sizes, even without the need to design an application.


In the B2B buying cycle, an influencer is a person that your customers trust, someone who perfectly navigates a particular niche and can positively influence buyer decisions.

Studies show that micro-influencer marketing can bring 11x yearly ROI to B2B organizations compared to traditional techniques. This is the most progressive method of acquiring new customers as part of a B2B marketing strategy.

Here are some simple tips on how to benefit from such a collaboration:

  • make more sales by getting them to review your product or service;
  • drive more conversions and sales by having micro-influencers promote your offers;
  • start guest blogging to increase brand awareness and drive more traffic.

Voice search

Today, more than a billion Web searches are made using voice search worldwide. According to forecasts, this figure will reach 5 billion by the end of 2021, and 6.4 billion by 2022!

We think you would agree that you should immediately optimize your site for voice search. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  • use long-tail keywords;
  • transform your queries into questions;
  • optimize your website content;
  • design website for mobile;
  • opt for conversational language;
  • optimize for future snippets;
  • make your “Google My Business” profile stand out;
  • localize your experience by including your region in content and metadata, creating location-specific pages, using visuals specific to your local area with alt-text tags, tagging images and videos with the name of your geographic area, etc.

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