Darnitsa and UKRMEDCERT Improve the Skills of Specialists of Pharmaceutical Companies

The pharmaceutical company Darnitsa together with the training centre UKRMEDCERT has developed an educational program for specialists of pharmaceutical companies. The initiative has the important purpose of expanding the use of digital technologies in the regulatory process.

During the first module “Digital Technologies in Pharmacovigilance”, the question was raised about the peculiarities of using modern digital tools to improve the efficiency of the pharmacovigilance system.

The information content of the module touches upon the issues of creating a modern digital system, identifies the challenges faced by the domestic pharmaceutical industry, and analyses the tools used to automate processes.

The first part of the educational program was attended by managers and specialists of medical and regulatory departments of companies, as well as specialists in pharmacovigilance.

Commenting on this initiative, the management of Darnitsa Group and the chairman of the board of directors of the company, Dmytro Shymkiv, indicated that digitalization changes the healthcare system increases its efficiency and focus on patients.

Acting ahead of the curve, Darnitsa was one of the first to start the process of digital transformation and digitalization of the regulatory function, as well as the creation of a digital platform for the implementation of the pharmacovigilance process.

For Ukraine, this is still a rare experience, so the pharmaceutical concern jointly with the training centre UKRMEDCERT developed an educational case to share practical experience in the implementation of digital systems. It will accelerate positive changes in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry.

During the module, Darnitsa specialists introduced their colleagues to the wider possibilities of the digital pharmacovigilance system in comparison with its classical format.

In particular, the digitalization of this function allows optimizing and at the same time accelerating the collection and processing of data coming from various sources and also helps to solve the problem of their possible loss.

The system makes it possible to quickly collect information that is contained in scientific publications and the press. This gives experts a more complete picture of the reporting of a specific phenomenon or drug.

Dmytro Shymkiv says, that in the future, the digital pharmacovigilance system will allow Darnitsa to fulfil successfully the requirements of foreign regulators and enhance the safety of drugs. In total, in 2021, the company’s specialists will conduct 13 lecture modules for the students of the training centre UKRMEDCERT.

At the next events, it is planned to consider the practical experience of introducing an electronic dossier of a medicinal product and to bring up other relevant topics.

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