Everything you need to know about 2D animation

Once upon a time, 2d animation was used exclusively for creating cartoons. Currently, the scope of these computer graphics has expanded significantly.

Advertising, corporate and presentation films, television programs, films – today it is becoming more and more difficult to find a video product that does not use 2D animation. And in the last 3-4 years, the creation of advertising videos without the use of real shooting, exclusively by the method of motion animation, has become a global trend.

Why do many advertisers prefer 2D animation?

An animated video perfectly copes with the task when you need to capture and hold the consumer’s attention from the first seconds, evoke certain emotions and associate them with the advertised product.

The use of computer graphics becomes the best solution when you need to tell interesting things about boring, just about complex …

Our brain is so arranged that 2D animated video is much better perceived by us than a text or sound message, and the information conveyed in this way is well remembered.

Almost any product can be presented to the buyer in a profitable and memorable way with the help of motion animation. 2D is used in all areas of trade, from the sale of children’s goods and food products to the presentation of mobile applications and banking programs.

The use of computer graphics becomes the best solution when you need to tell interesting things about boring, simple about complex, which is why 2D animation is widely used in educational and explanatory videos.

The video stream received when shooting with a digital camera does not contain any animation. Animated logo, flashing buttons or inscriptions on the screen, scoreboard, creeping line, dynamic map – all these graphics are created only later and added to the video sequence during editing.

Benefits of using 2D animation in business

Whatever the purpose of advertising – to increase sales, get to know new products, improve the company’s image, etc., by ordering a 2D video in a professional studio, you will be able to achieve your goals.

  • The use of even simple elements of motion animation makes the video more professional and interesting, thereby increasing viewers’ trust in the brand and products.
  • By creating a video using motion animation, it is much easier to explain the benefits of a product and show it to its best.
  • With the help of 2D animation, you can tell about the brand in a matter of seconds, convey the ideology and values ​​of the company in just a few vivid images. And to do this in such a way as to arouse in the viewer a desire to possess branded goods.
  • Often, the creation of 2D is more effective, and at the same time more profitable than shooting an advertising film with real actors in real locations.

How to order the creation of a 2D video in the studio

If you are going to order an animated video for business, Abalmasov video production in Kyiv experts recommend that you do the following before contacting the video production studio:

  1. View various commercials and find 2D animation elements in them.
  2. Consider which animation would work best for your brand and products.
  3. Discuss with the specialist whether it is advisable to use 2D animation to advertise your goods or services, and what level of graphics will be required to complete the tasks. At the same time, the motion designer will guide you in what price this or that 2D video will cost.

There are times when using animation will not improve a promotional film. In this case, we will be able to offer you alternative video options.

It is also important to understand that 2D animation, multilayer motion animation and motion animation with 3D elements are different types of animation, which will differ significantly both in terms of the amount of work and the final cost.

To finally determine how long it will take to develop your animated video and how much a 2D video will cost, contact a specialist from Abalmasov video production in Kyiv studio.

The studio is located in the country of Ukraine, the city of Kyiv. Works all over the world. On the market for more than 5 years, there is a large portfolio of works.


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