Green economy startups. Opinion: Rustam Gilfanov

It is confirmed that the green industry is able to solve environment problems. The innovative technologies like sorting robots, smart trash bins, fuel made of coffee waste and others are already on the market and contribute a lot to a better world. And 2020 has come with new green startups which will definitely gain support of the socially responsible investors.

One of such investors, Rustam Gilfanov, being involved in a wide range of international projects, shares his ideas of the future for such green technologies.

“It was only yesterday that green startups were taken by investors as a way to contribute to charity. Now the businesses see the difference – the green startups generate profit,” Rustam Gilfanov says. “It is possible to decrease the cost of water and electricity applying green technologies. Being involved, you can count on accumulation of higher-paying audience which is much economically advantageous for your brand.”

The current statistics proves an increase in population in the world. Already in 2030 the population will increase against this year from the current 7.6 billion to 8.5 billion. By 2050 there will be 9.7 billion humans in the world, and by 2100 – 11.2 billion. That means, people will supply more waste. Rustam Gilfanov believes that high-tech products, like sorting robots, will be in demand in waste recycling industry.

Gilfanov Rustam determines three mainstreams driving green technologies in the future.

1. Green habit training

In society the new services and products changing the lifestyle will appear. We’ll rearrange priorities as to consumerism. These startups are expected to be creative to survive in the highly competitive industry.

2. Development of AI and IoT

The artificial intelligence and Internet of things will help to do without human-to-human interaction providing us with the best ideas about the best possible resource to consume in such a way that we could reduce environmental damage.

3. Usage of smart trash bins

Smart trash bins have proved their efficiency being used in the United States and now they will be integrated as a part of waste management system all over the world. They are equipped with sensors sending a signal to the waste collection service when a container is full.

Rustam Gilfanov supposes that the green startups developing green habits will help people to show off social responsibility and protect the environment. Also, the creators and businessmen following the technological progress will be able to make our planet a better place.

Brief curriculum vitae 

Rustam Gilfanov is an international investor who started out as a co-founder of an IT company. He was born in 1983 (on January 6) in Basim, Perm Region, in the family of a military man and a teacher.

In 2006, Gilfanov Rustam launched an international IT outsourcing company in association with his partners. The company is located in Kiev. Currently it is considered the largest developer of software intended to finance, marketing, and gaming industry.

Several years ago, Gilfanov decided to turn to international investment being interested in the IT projects connected with gaming, financial technology, and video streaming. Rustam Gilfanov continues to work for charitable causes in Ukraine. Among his charity projects are Biblioteki Maybutnogo and LakiBuks.

Gilfanov Rustam is married, bringing up his daughter.

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