How to Get Rid of Unwanted Guns in Your Possession?

You might contemplate relinquishing a firearm you have owned for years but is no longer functional. Or else, you may have inherited a weapon on the passing away of a close relative and are keen to get rid of it. Irrespective of what applies to you, the possession of a weapon demands legal and safety considerations.

Before you evaluate options for how to get rid of a gun legally, adhering to the listed safety guidelines for firearms stored at home is essential:

  • Treat all weapons as loaded
  • Avoid placing your finger anywhere near the trigger
  • Ensure the muzzle is safely pointed to avoid unintended accidents
  • Store your guns in sealed cases after unloading them
  • Separately store all the ammunition in your possession

Legal Disposal Methods

Whatever legal route you adopt, request relevant documentation during the transaction that releases your gun ownership. The following are the legally accepted methods to get rid of unwanted guns in your possession:

Approach a Licensed Dealer

Selling your inherited gun to an arms dealer duly certified by your state to buy and sell firearms is a safe option. After a thorough inspection of the concerned firearm’s make, model, finish, functionality, and overall condition, these specialists arrive at a fair price. Proceeding with such a sale ensures your weapon is in reliable hands.

Surrender to the Local Police

When you have no sentimental value for the weapon in your custody, it is advisable to hand it over to the cops. Contact your local police station in advance and inform them of your intention so you can schedule dropping off the gun on a suitable day.

Do not turn up unannounced with your weapon in hand, even when unloaded. You cannot expect any monetary returns when you opt for this disposal method as the police will not pay you for the gun.

Make a Donation

If your gun qualifies as an antique artefact, a museum will be happy to acquire it for display at their facility. You can check with a couple of gun museums and where you get a positive revert, proceed with your donation as per their procedures.

There also exist training organizations that run programs concentrating on gun safety. Many such establishments lack the funds to invest in weapons for training purposes. Make necessary inquiries and approach one such facility that could benefit from your unwanted gun.

While figuring out the most feasible method of how to get rid of a gun legally, take the below factors into account:

  • Condition of your weapon
  • Sentimental value
  • Likely compensation you can expect in exchange for it

Be warned that illegal disposal of firearms can soon become a nightmare for you as you may:

All the above not only ruins your peace of mind but also drains you financially.

Put your faith in a licensed authority dealing with weapons that can guide you correctly and assure you of their constant support.



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