The relation between erectile dysfunction and dehydration

If you have dropped by here then you might be suffering from erectile dysfunction. It is one of the male sexual disorders also known as impotence.

Due to impotence, a man is not able to get harder erections in a sustained manner. It is estimated that around the world millions of people can be suffering from this disorder.

You can cure your ED problems using Vidalista tablets that contain generic Tadalafil. Tadalafil can remain active in your body for as long as 36 hours.

The causes for ED can seem to be unrelating. But on closer research, there have been a lot of internal both physical and psychological causes that are linked to your ED disorder.

Do you know that even dehydration can be a cause for your poor erections?

Yes, although there have been some basic level researches done and there is no substantial proof from extensive medical studies and researches.

But the initial data and information reveal along with proper logic that drinking less water can also be a cause for poor softer erections or impotence.

Here we will give you an idea of how dehydration can be potentially linked with your ED problem and how to get cured of it.

How ED is linked to your hydration levels?

ED can indeed be linked to your ED problems. Of course, you can use Cenforce tablets containing generic Sildenafil in them.

But remember that taking in less water throughout the day can aggravate your ED disorder. In general, a person needs to drink around 5-6 liters of water per day to stay hydrated properly.

If you are taking a lesser amount than this then it can further your dehydration. Sometimes it may so happen that you are suffering from a minor to moderate level of dehydration without any significant symptoms.

It is excessively important to measure your water intake daily.

If dehydration levels persist over some time it can cause problems in your erections which can be visually significant gradually.

Here is how dehydration is linked to ED disorder

Less water can affect the blood volume in your body

Do you know that a lower level of water reduces the blood volume in your body? The plasma of your blood is reduced and this can shrink the blood vessels in the body.

Due to lower blood volume and constriction of the blood vessels, the flow of blood to certain areas in the body is affected including the penis.

And we know that due to low blood flow you can get problems in erection.

When your body is dehydrated it releases a certain enzyme called angiotensin I in the blood vessels. This quickly changes into angiotensin II and this can induce the blood vessels to shrink in size due to the low volume of blood.

The presence of angiotensin II has already been tested in animals and it has been proved that higher levels of angiotensin II can cause sexual dysfunction.

Little research though has been done on humans but certainly, there is enough logic to back things up.

To increase the blood flow to the penis tissues you can start taking Vidalista pills that also work by increasing the blood flow to the penis.

Less water can make you feel anxious, tense, or even depressed

There have been enough studies done to show conclusive evidence that lower levels of water in your body meaning staying dehydrated can make you feel anxious, stressed, and depressed.

People already suffering from psychological problems can see intensive results and sudden feel of anxiousness, or severe depression, or even panic attacks.

To make things even worse you must be knowing that all these can affect your erections. Psychological problems like anxiety, sudden mood changes, tension, fear, and depression can all be causes behind ED.

These are the common symptoms of dehydration

Understanding the symptoms of dehydration can be simple. But many times it has been observed that slight levels of depression can be seen without any significant symptoms. If this persists for a long time say a few months or years it can easily give rise to ED or impotence.

Here are the most common symptoms of dehydration that one can suffer from-

  • Dark or yellowish urine
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Thirst

Can taking more water and staying hydrated cure ED?

So if there is a relationship between staying hydrated and ED does this mean that, taking more water can cure your ED problem?

There are no significant studies and researches to show that staying hydrated and drinking more water can cure your ED. But in some cases, it has been observed that staying hydrated can certainly help you to avoid ED over a long time.

There is some basic level evidence to show that staying hydrated can prevent ED over a long time. Drinking less water by those who are already experiencing problems with their erection can significantly increase the problems with their erection.

You can take it as a basic precautionary measure apart from using Cenforce pills to take enough water in case you are suffering from ED.

What else can you do to cure ED?

Drinking more water and staying hydrated is a basic precautionary measure to improve your erections. But apart from this what are your options for ED treatment?

With the rise in technology and medical science, there are new treatments for cure. The use of medicines such as Cenforce and Tadalista is among the most common means of curing ED.

The use of medicines is very common as it is a cheaper form of effective treatment. You can get cured if you use medicines over a longer time.

Apart from this, you can also go for surgeries or the insertion of penile implants for curing ED. This is a permanent cure for ED but unfortunately, there are risks for internal infections or problems with the normal mechanism of the device.

Apart from this, there are also herbal supplements such as horny goat weed, Chinese red Ginseng, and Gingko Biloba that can help cure ED.


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