The Ultimate Christian Travel Planner

Themed vacations and tours are a great way to travel the world while also diving deeper into your religion. But when it comes to putting together a religious vacation for yourself, the act of planning every step out can overwhelm even the most devout follower.

If you want to see sacred places or simply travel areas where you can get closer to those who share your values and beliefs, here are some tips on how to plan the perfect vacation for yourself or a group of friends from your congregation.

Mark this special occasion by purchasing yourself a new Bible

One great way to make the most of your vacation is to consider purchasing yourself an entirely new Bible where you can take notes on what books have impacted you most throughout your journeys, jot down journal passages as you navigate your destinations, and have a souvenir that actually traveled with you and came back just as changed as you were.

Before you go on your Christian travels, look for a religious bookstore that offers unique Bibles, Bible covers, and other accessories that you can take with you once you depart. Then, you can keep this item on a bookshelf to look back fondly on down the road.

Establish a budget and map out your itinerary

Where you decide to travel largely depends on how much money you have to spend and how long you’re going to be able to sustain yourself in your target destination. If you have a bit more time and money to spend on your travels, consider taking a Christian vacation to a holy destination like Israel.

Being able to see everywhere that Jesus traveled throughout the New Testament can be life-changing for some American adults. Of course, you can also find other opportunities like cruises where you can connect with other Christians and get even more out of your trip abroad.

Does that mean that there’s nothing to see here in the United States? Of course not! If you’re simply looking to travel to some of your favorite destinations while experiencing the Christian life there and getting to meet new people, that’s great too.

You could always travel to Vicksburg, Mississippi (the Key to the South) and see what they have to offer in terms of food, music, and culture. If you’re trying to lead a better life as a Christian and deepen your spiritual connection with God, any destination from South Africa to New York holds potential for you to meet others and make amazing memories along the way.

Look for ways to save money on travel and accommodations

Some believe that a vacation is way out of their reach because travel is generally expensive. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Traveling during seasons where travel isn’t as heavy is a great way to save money on your round-trip plane tickets so you aren’t spending thousands of dollars in the process.

You can also save money on hotels by finding all-inclusive vacation packages, looking for hotels that are a bit farther out from the city, and looking for great deals on travel websites.

Finally, you can save a bit of money here and thereby choosing to cook your own meals or taking advantage of free perks. With the right planning, a vacation is more than possible, even in tough times.

All Christians should go on a religious-themed trip in order to see the world and improve their relationship with God. If this type of vacation is on your mind, use the guide above to plan out every step and fully immerse yourself in the experience.

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