8 Types of Virtual Events That Your Business Can Host Right Now

Virtual events have been in demand in recent months. Before the pandemic, it was only limited to individuals who wanted to exhibit their skills and talent on social media platforms. Although the atmosphere and engagement of a physical venue are incomparable, online events are getting more and more sophisticated in their bid to get close to the real thing.

Since there is an ongoing crisis that has limited in-person events, it can be said that the time for virtual events has finally come.

Thus, you must know that there are various types of virtual events that you can host online with the help of event agencies. This article explores them one by one.

Online training and workshops

It is probably the most well-known online event format. These are events where attendees learn a skill or finish an entire course and receive a certificate at the end. The trainer will have one-on-one interaction with the audience and answer queries via a live question and answer.

They will also share content through a screen. It enables learners to attend online classes that provide instructional videos, exercises, and tests. It is also possible for students to personalize the experience by setting dashboard preferences and choosing subjects and instructors from the platform. With the help of event agencies, you can conduct a successful online training or workshop that enhances your brand.

Virtual summits and conferences

These are suitable for small groups of attendees. You can invite multiple speakers and host several tracks and sessions, and have breaks in between. You can conduct live polls and surveys. Speakers and the audience can communicate over audio or video in real-time.


A webinar is defined as a virtual seminar on a subject where a host presents a lecture or demonstration. This format is best if you want to reach a broad audience. The presentation can be downloaded, and the audience can have their queries answered via chat or audio.

Virtual meetups

In-person gatherings may have their advantages. But similar to social media, meetups are the best way to connect people with common interests. Everything happens in real-time. The privacy of the attendees is upheld by allowing access exclusively to the people invited.

Virtual tradeshows

Large companies can use these to host an online product launch that spans numerous locations simultaneously. In addition, it enables collaboration and networking with industry players and helps gather live feedback from the clients and participants.


Podcasts are multi-episode series that consist only of downloadable or streamable audio files. A majority of podcasts are prerecorded premium quality audios.

Virtual keynotes

Virtual keynotes can be a webcast or an address by a speaker which is live-streamed over the Internet via a source website. Keynotes can help level up your virtual event since it amplifies the event’s message via storytelling and branding.

Fireside chats

Fireside chats are enormous in the startup community. It is a discussion that involves a guest and a moderator. The setting is often comfortable, making it engaging for the audience. It is designed to feel like you are listening to a close friend who shares their deep thoughts.

Your business can choose from a plethora of virtual event types. You can match the style of the virtual event with the goal of your business. People are engaged more than ever with events on social media, so you are guaranteed an audience and a broad reach.


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