How can a car accident lawyer help you after an accident?    

Each year almost two million Americans are either hurt in a car accident or are disabled, and more than thirty thousand people die in fatal car crashes. Unfortunately, car crashes are the ninth leading cause of death in the world.

Thousand people daily get into car accidents, and unfortunately, some crashes prove to be fatal. While many have started using public transit, lowering the number of accidents and fatalities in the city, many intersections are still accident-prone.

If you have been involved in a collision and need to file claims and deal with insurance agencies, it is best to hire a car accident lawyer as they will effectively help you deal with insurance agencies and other involved parties.

Injured in the Bronx? Need the Bronx car accident lawyer? The Law Office Of Ajlouny Injury Law serves New York City, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Long Island, Nassau County, and Suffolk County.

But, how can a car accident lawyer help you after an accident?

Investigate all the contributing factors

An experienced lawyer will focus their efforts on finding potential contributing factors to a car collision. Commonly, distracted driving, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, poor road conditions, or vehicle malfunction are some of the reasons that cause a car accident.

A lawyer will work with experienced specialists to reconstruct the scene and figure out the contributing factors.

Determine all responsible parties

With the help of a case reconstruction specialist and conducting other types of investigation, a lawyer will identify all the parties that are liable for compensation.

For instance, if a driver is driving a company vehicle and causes an accident, their employer might be responsible for bearing the damages. On the other hand, if a vehicle malfunctions and causes an accident, the manufacturer could also be held partially responsible.

Deal with insurance adjusters

After an accident, you must focus all your efforts on recovering mentally and physically from the accident. There are various parties involved at the time of the accident, so if you give a brief of the accident to the at-fault driver’s insurance adjuster, they might use your statement against you to minimize their liability.

Having an experienced Bronx car accident lawyer by your side will make it easier to deal with insurance adjusters, as they have more experience handling these tricky conversations. You also have the guarantee that the lawyer will look out for you and not let you reveal anything that might jeopardize your compensation.

Estimate future medical costs

An accident might leave you with long-lasting injuries and medical ailments, so you must also estimate future medical costs. Bronx lawyers can help you assess future medical costs based on the injuries you sustained by consulting with doctors and healthcare providers.

Future projections are necessary to cover any rehabilitation costs required to recover from the injuries fully.

Help you deal with medical bills

Hospital staff and other debt collectors may call you time and again to settle the medical bills. A car accident lawyer will help you deal directly with the hospital staff and inform the debt collectors that you are currently in the process of a compensation claim.

A Bronx car accident lawyer will also be aware of the specific traffic rules and laws pertaining to the city, giving you an edge when it comes to negotiations and lawsuits.


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