Taking a Trip to Singapore: 5 Travel Tips to Know

It’s official: you’re taking a trip to Singapore! You’ll be leaving in just a few months. But before you go, you want to make sure you’re prepared.

That’s why you’re here. You’re looking for some travel tips. Fortunately, we can provide them to you.

Without further ado, here are five travel tips to utilize when traveling to Singapore.

  1. Indulge In The Local Cuisine

Like every country, Singapore has its own unique cuisine. So, if you’re spending time there, you’re advised to try it.

Some popular selections include laksa, satay, chili crab, and chicken rice, to name just a few. You can find these foods not only at fine dining restaurants but at small diners and cafes as well.

To be sure, there are McDonald’s and KFC restaurants in Singapore as well. But you’re not traveling thousands of miles to eat things that you could just as easily eat a mile away from your house.

  1. Get Inebriated Early

Drinking in Singapore can be a lot of fun. But it can also be ridiculously expensive. For this reason, if you’re going to drink, you’re advised to do so during happy hour.

During happy hour, you can find alcoholic beverages for as cheap as $3 USD. Outside of happy hour, you’ll be lucky to find anything for any less than $7 USD.

  1. Forget About Tipping

In the United States, tipping is a way of life. You’re expected to tip at bars, at restaurants, at hotels, and otherwise. In Singapore, tipping isn’t expected at all.

Sure, you’re allowed to tip in Singapore. No one’s going to stop you. But if the service you receive is anything short of exceptional, you should keep that extra dough for a future date.

After all, there are tons of things to do in Singapore. You don’t want to blow your entire budget on bars and restaurants.

  1. Take Advantage Of Public Transportation

Put simply, Singapore’s public transit system is awesome. Regardless of where you’re trying to go in the country, mass transit can get you there, and at a reasonable price to boot.

A one-day pass for mass transit costs just $7.50 USD (or $10 SGD), whereas a two-day pass costs just $12 USD and three-day pass costs just $15 USD. Those are incredibly cheap prices for access to an entire country. Single-vehicle transportation in Singapore, on the other hand, can get quite expensive.

  1. Bring Your Raincoat

Singapore’s weather can be beautiful, floating anywhere from 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit at any given time. Unfortunately, it’s also capable of turning on a dime, resulting in substantial amounts of rainfall.

As such, you need to make sure you’ve got your rain gear on your person at all times. A poncho and rain boots are advised.

Enjoy Your Trip To Singapore!

And there they are, five tips to help you make the most out of your trip to Singapore. Take these tips to heart, and you’re sure to have a great time.

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