Five technology trends in the Legal Industry

We experience significant changes every New Year. In fact, there are rumors that we will soon drive through smart towns in autonomous vehicles manufactured by 3D printers! Perhaps even mars will become an alternative planet for human beings in the next 100 years, or when we get to 200 years, humans will become immortal. The possibilities are endless.

The same applies to the United States legal system. The past decade has seen the industry try to catch up with the others by integrating technology in its operations. Though there are several reasons for this, what matters most is how the ever-evolving technology world has impacted it.

For example, automation of different legal processes has affected how legal secretaries, lawyers, and paralegals do their work. They have become experts in word processing, legal research, presentation software, and so on. Here are some emerging trends in the US legal sector:

Machine learning

One of the most sophisticated and overwhelming factors of the legal profession is research. There are always hundreds of boxes containing testimonies, history, briefings, reports, and any other data that the practitioners have to go through to determine what is essential and what is not. It’s much like finding a needle in haystacks. However, with machine learning, lawyers are easily saving money and time and during research and can approximate costs appropriately.

Artificial Intelligence

Though AI is still new in the sector, it can be used to switch analytic capabilities from descriptive to predictive. Currently, legal firms are utilizing it to map judges’ predispositions and try to predict their rulings. Also, they are using it to understand tactics the opposing legal team usually employs when preparing their defense.

Regulatory law is very amiable to AI because of its authoritative statutes. Technology is changing quickly, and modern machines can actually think like real lawyers. Don’t be surprised if we witness more opportunities very soon.

Increased Mobility

Nowadays, lawyers are always on the move, and as they move their job moves with them. The introduction of various legal applications is a good example of how tech firms are designing new solutions to make it seamless for attorneys to work almost everywhere in the world within a centralized user experience.

Essentially, the applications allow lawyers to access different types of templates through their respective accounts, making it easy for them to create, edit and save documents through online forms that can be accessed on any mobile device.

Social Media advertising

Initially, the legal fraternity was reluctant to implement different social media strategies because of their work’s nature, which is mostly reactive rather than proactive to popular platforms.

However, the tsunami effect of Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook has forced most legal firms to change their digital marketing efforts to reach more clients in a customer-focused and holistic approach. LinkedIn has the highest adoption rates, with many solo practices advertising their expertise through the platform.

Practice management software

Cloud technology has immensely disrupted how the legal sector operates. Most practices are now moving to the cloud, and if current predictions are anything to go by, the trend is here to stay for a good reason. Legal management systems come with elasticity.

From immigration to cash to conveyance to legal billing software, they cover all work types. They also come with additional features to offer unique and smooth operations and ensure every department works better than before. They are ideal for almost every legal practice regardless of the size or whether it’s a high street lawyer or a sole practitioner.

Digital transformation is changing the way industries work, including the US legal sector. And features are benefiting users invaluably. As such understanding, the power of these technological trends is essential to not only keeping your practice ahead of the rest but also moving it an entirely new level.


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